============================================================ Installing the signalr Client library for Python 2.7.x ============================================================ These instructions are written on a Raspberry Pi 2 running Ubuntu Mate Most of the steps should apply to other flavors of Linux compatible with Raspberry Pi Download the module .zip file from this location: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/signalr-client/0.0.6 Firefox browser downloads the zip to the default location, in this case the path is: /home/your_username/Downloads/ Ubuntu Mate has pre-installed support for .zip files. Therefore Unzip the files in the same folder using the “Extract Here” right-click menu feature. The Unzipped files will be available at this location: /home/your_username/Downloads/signalr-client-0.0.6/ Install signalr Pre-requisites =========================================================================== IF THE ABOVE Wiki INSTRUCTIONS DON'T WORK, FOLLOW THE STEPS BELOW =========================================================================== The list of requirements is listed in the file called requires.txt at this location: /home/your_username/Downloads/signalr-client-0.0.6/signalr_client.egg-info Open the text file, and using pip, install each of the pre-requisites in the order listed in this text file. In this case, this order would be: pip install gevent pip install websocket-client pip install sseclient pip install requests (in my case, this step was skipped because the requests module was already previously installed) =========================================================================== Test Installation of Pre-requisites in Python 2.7.x =========================================================================== Start IDLE with Python 2.7, and at the Python console type each of the commands, followed by ENTER one at a time: >>>import gevent >>>import websocket (note, that this is not websocket-client) >>> import sseclient >>> import requests If the installations are successful, then these import commands should not result in errors. =========================================================================== Install signalr Client Library =========================================================================== Switch to the signalr setup.py folder location: /home/your_username/Downloads/signalr-client-0.0.6 Use sudo to install this module because this installation requires access to the Python shared location folder : In Ubuntu, this location is: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ sudo python setup.py install =========================================================================== IF SETUP FAILS, YOU MAY HAVE TO FIX THE BROKEN SETUP FILES =========================================================================== Sometimes, the .zip or .tar files downloaded are broken resulting in errors. In this case the setup failed to run as a result of a missing file Error: Description.rst missing Solution: Open setup.py in a text editor (nano on Raspbian or pluma on Ubuntu Mate) Comment out the following line (prefix with a #) #with io.open(path.join(here, 'DESCRIPTION.rst'), encoding='utf-8') as f: # long_description = f.read() With this, the dependecy to DESCRIPTION.rst will be removed Scroll down the file, and change the following line from: long_description=long_description to this: long_description='DESCRIPTION.rst FILE is missing! This was comment was added manually to replace the missing file!' With this change, dependency to the variable long_description will be removed Save changes to setup.py and rerun the python install command line above =========================================================================== Test Installation of signalr module in Python 2.7.x =========================================================================== Restart the Python IDLE environment Import the signalr module in the Python console >>> import signalr If no errors, it means the installation has been successful!