@echo off title Number Picker set points=0 :intro echo Number Picker echo The goal is the get the as many points as you can! pause :setup cls echo how many numbers to choose from? echo 1-10, 1-100 or 1-1000. set /p answer=10, 100, 1000 or quit^> if %answer% equ 10 goto 10 if %answer% equ 100 goto 100 if %answer% equ 1000 goto 1000 if %answer% equ quit exit if %answer% neq 10 goto setup :10 cls set /a number=%random% %%10 +1 :10_2 cls echo Current points: %points% echo Guess the number (1-10) echo To guess type in a number between 1 and 10. echo You can also quit. set /p answer=^> if %answer% equ %number% goto Win if %answer% equ quit goto intro if %answer% neq %number% goto :10_2 :100 set /a number=%random% %%100 +1 :100_2 cls echo Current points: %points% echo Guess the number (1-100) echo To guess type in a number between 1 and 100. echo You can also quit. set /p answer=^> if %answer% equ %number% goto Win if %answer% equ quit goto intro if %answer% neq %number% goto :100_2 :1000 set /a number=%random% %%1000 +1 :1000_2 cls echo Current points: %points% echo Guess the number (1-1000) echo To guess type in a number between 1 and 1000. echo You can also quit. set /p answer=^> if %answer% equ %number% goto Win if %answer% equ quit goto intro if %answer% neq %number% goto :1000_2 :Win cls echo You guessed the number! echo Good job! echo You get 1 point! set /a points=points+1 echo Total points: %points% pause goto setup