#define esc 0x1b int row=32; int row1=70; int button=0; int button1=0; int shote=99; int shota=99; int lifse=50; int lifsa=50; void setup(){ pinMode (13, INPUT); pinMode (12, INPUT); pinMode (10, OUTPUT); pinMode (9, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(57600); Serial.write(esc); Serial.write(69); Serial.write(esc); Serial.write(89); Serial.write(44); Serial.write(32); Serial.println(" INFINITY BOX"); Serial.println(" "); Serial.println(" by EXPLORER electronics"); delay(10000); while(button==LOW){ Serial.write(esc); Serial.write(69); Serial.println("player 1 your controller is flashing"); Serial.println(" you are earth"); Serial.println("you can use your A key to skip title"); Serial.println("use the dial to move"); Serial.println("use the A button to shoot"); Serial.println("in the top left corner you will see:"); Serial.println("E:Sxx,Lxx"); Serial.println("the first number is shots remaining"); Serial.println("the second number is lives remaining"); Serial.println("press A to continue"); digitalWrite(10,HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(10,LOW); delay(500); button=digitalRead(13); } while(button1==LOW){ Serial.write(esc); Serial.write(69); Serial.println("player 2 your controller is flashing"); Serial.println(" you are the aliens"); Serial.println("you have no control of the title"); Serial.println("use the dial to move"); Serial.println("use the A button to shoot"); Serial.println("in the top right corner you will see:"); Serial.println("A:Sxx,Lxx"); Serial.println("the first number is shots remaining"); Serial.println("the second number is lives remaining"); Serial.println("press A to continue"); digitalWrite(9,HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(9,LOW); delay(500); button1=digitalRead(12); button=digitalRead(13); } while(button==LOW){ Serial.write(esc); Serial.write(69); Serial.println(" SPACE WARS EP.1 "); Serial.println(" 'the quest for bacon'"); Serial.println(" "); Serial.println("this is earth --------> E "); Serial.println(" "); Serial.println("It was just chillin' in space...but"); Serial.println(" "); Serial.println("then these guys showed up------> A"); Serial.println(" "); Serial.println("and earth was all like 'yo!'"); Serial.println("and then the aliens were all pew pew"); Serial.println("and then earth was all let's get em!"); Serial.println("and so they built the"); Serial.println("ss 'EQUALS EARTH GREATER THAN'"); Serial.println("...."); Serial.println("anyhoo you're in charge of it "); Serial.println("so good luck 'cause if you loose"); Serial.println("the aliens will steal all our pigs!"); Serial.println("...."); Serial.println("so fight for bacon!"); Serial.println(""); Serial.println("earth: =E> aliens: "); Serial.write(esc); Serial.write(89); Serial.write(row1); Serial.write(67); Serial.println("-----------------------------------"); shote=shote-1; } button1=digitalRead(12); if (button1==HIGH&&shota!=0&&row1==row){lifse=lifse-1;} if (button1==HIGH&&shota==0){goto here;} else if (button1==HIGH){Serial.write(esc); Serial.write(89); Serial.write(row1); Serial.write(32); Serial.println("===================================