@echo off mode conx: cols=61 lines=8 if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Apps" mkdir GenesisFiles\Apps if not exist "GenesisFiles\Addons" mkdir GenesisFiles\Addons if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice title Genesis color 0A set pass=Pending set name=Pending set warn=1 set coco=0A set pre=C: set hage=0 set age=Pending set year=Pending set teachw=0 set learnw=0 set cuser=0 set gva=1 set usc=0 ( set /p username= set /p cuser= ) < "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\cuset.sav" if "%cuser%"=="0" goto RLRLRL if "%cuser%"=="1" goto lpuser :RLRES set pass=Pending set name=Pending set warn=1 set coco=0A set pre=C: set hage=0 set age=Pending set year=Pending set teachw=0 set learnw=0 set cuser=0 set gva=1 set usc=0 :RLRLRL mode con: cols=61 lines=8 set pass=Pending set name=Pending set warn=1 set coco=0A set pre=C: set hage=0 set age=Pending set year=Pending set teachw=0 set learnw=0 set gva=1 set usc=0 title Genesis tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul set speech=Would you like to create an account or login if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo speech.speak "%speech%" >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" start "%speech%" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" :RLRLRL2 cls set answer= echo Would you like to Create an account or Login? echo (Enter c to create account or l to login.) echo (Or enter e to exit.) echo. set /p answer=C/L/E: if "%answer%"=="c" goto register if "%answer%"=="C" goto register if "%answer%"=="l" goto login if "%answer%"=="L" goto login if "%answer%"=="e" goto lexit goto RLRLRL2 :lexit tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul set speech=See you later! if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo speech.speak "%speech%" >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" start "%speech%" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo See you later! echo. timeout 2 >nul rmdir /s /q "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" exit :register tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul set speech=What would you like your username to be if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo speech.speak "%speech%" >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" start "%speech%" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" set username=Enter cls echo What would you like your username to be? echo (You can't use question marks.) echo Or enter b to go back. echo. set /p username=Username: set username=%username:?=% set username=%username::=% if "%username%"=="b" goto RLRLRL2 if "%username%"=="B" goto RLRLRL2 if "%username%"=="cuset" goto register if "%username%"=="Cuset" goto register if "%username%"=="CUSET" goto register if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" goto register2 cls tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul set speech=The username %username%, is already taken. if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo speech.speak "%speech%" >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" start "%speech%" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo The username: %username%, is already taken. echo. timeout 3 >nul goto RLRLRL :register2 tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul set speech=What would you like your password to be if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo speech.speak "%speech%" >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" start "%speech%" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" set pass=Enter cls echo What would you like your password to be? echo (Or enter b to go back.) echo. set /p pass=Password: if "%pass%"=="b" goto register if "%pass%"=="B" goto register if "%pass%"=="m" goto register2 cls if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts ( echo %pass% echo %name% echo %warn% echo %coco% echo %pre% echo %hage% echo %age% echo %year% echo %teachw% echo %learnw% echo %gva% echo %usc% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul set speech=Account successfully created! if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo speech.speak "%speech%" >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" start "%speech%" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" cls echo Account successfully created! echo. timeout 3 >nul goto RLRLRL2 :login tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul set speech=What is your username if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo speech.speak "%speech%" >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" start "%speech%" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" cls set username=Enter echo What is your username? echo. set /p username=Username: set username=%username:?=% set username=%username::=% if "%username%"=="cuset" goto NSU if "%username%"=="CUSET" goto NSU if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" goto NSU cls ( set /p pass= set /p name= set /p warn= set /p coco= set /p pre= set /p hage= set /p age= set /p year= set /p teachw= set /p learnw= set /p gva= set /p usc= ) < "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" goto login2 :NSU tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul set speech=The username %username%, does not exist. if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo speech.speak "%speech%" >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" start "%speech%" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" cls echo The username: %username%, does not exist. echo. timeout 5 >nul goto RLRLRL2 :login2 tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul set speech=Enter the password if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo speech.speak "%speech%" >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" start "%speech%" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" cls echo Enter the password: echo. set /p apass=Password: if "%apass%"=="%pass%" goto LS goto IP :IP tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul set speech=Incorrect password! if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo speech.speak "%speech%" >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" start "%speech%" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" cls echo Incorrect password! echo. timeout 2 >nul goto RLRLRL2 :LS tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul set speech=Login successful! if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo speech.speak "%speech%" >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" start "%speech%" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" cls echo Login successful! echo. timeout 2 >nul ( set /p pass= set /p name= set /p warn= set /p coco= set /p pre= set /p hage= set /p age= set /p year= set /p teachw= set /p learnw= set /p gva= set /p usc= ) < "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" set cuser=1 ( echo %username% echo %cuser% ) > GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\cuset.sav goto Warning :lpuser if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" goto ERRORNU ( set /p pass= set /p name= set /p warn= set /p coco= set /p pre= set /p hage= set /p age= set /p year= set /p teachw= set /p learnw= set /p gva= set /p usc= ) < "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" goto Warning :ERRORNU tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul set speech=The username, %username%, was not found in the Accounts directory. if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo speech.speak "%speech%" >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" start "%speech%" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" mode con: cols=61 lines=8 cls echo The username, %username%, was not found in the echo 'Accounts' directory. echo. timeout 7 >nul set cuser=0 set username=Pending if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts ( echo %username% echo %cuser% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\cuset.sav" goto RLRLRL :Warning cls if "%warn%"=="0" goto !clear if "%warn%"=="1" goto :R :!reset rmdir /s /q GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice mode con: cols=61 lines=8 set name=Pending set warn=1 set pre=C: set coco=0A set hage=0 set age=Pending set year=Pending set teachw=0 set learnw=0 set gva=1 set usc=0 goto makesavfiler :makesavfiler if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts cls ( echo %pass% echo %name% echo %warn% echo %coco% echo %pre% echo %hage% echo %age% echo %year% echo %teachw% echo %learnw% echo %gva% echo %usc% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" :R set coco=0A color %coco% title Genesis :NameSelect tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul set speech=What is your name if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo speech.speak "%speech%" >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" start "%speech%" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" set name=Enter color %coco% cls echo What is your name? echo. set /p name=Name: set namef=%name% set namef=%namef:?=% set namef=%namef::=% if "%name%"=="m" goto NameSelect if "%name%"=="M" goto NameSelect tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul set speech=Hello %namef%! I am Genesis, your own computer assistant! if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo speech.speak "%speech%" >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" start "%speech%" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" cls echo Hello %name%! I am Genesis, your own computer assistant! timeout 6 >nul goto makessavfile :makessavfile if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts set warn=0 cls ( echo %pass% echo %name% echo %warn% echo %coco% echo %pre% echo %hage% echo %age% echo %year% echo %teachw% echo %learnw% echo %gva% echo %usc% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" goto HELPR :HELPR tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul set speech=Give me a command, or just talk to me. If you don't know the commands, type help. Example. How are you if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo speech.speak "%speech%" >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" start "%speech%" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" color %coco% cls echo Give me a command, or just talk to me. If you don't know the echo commands, type help. echo Ex. How are you? timeout 10 >nul :!clear rmdir /s /q "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" set speech=Tell me something, or give me a command set gvs=clear2 if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :clear2 mode con: cols=61 lines=61 color %coco% cls ver echo (C) Genesis (Version 4.7) echo. echo This AI Bot is programmable/teachable. echo Version: 4.7 echo Programmed by: ACA (Aiden Adams) echo. echo Problems? Questions? Suggestions? Contact me at: echo PrinceJace777@gmail.com echo. echo ============================================================= echo. echo. echo Tell me something, or give me a command: echo (Enter help for a list of commands.) :Genesis echo. set crud=0 set answer=enter set /p answer=To Genesis: if "%answer%"==" " goto Genesis set answerf=%answer% set answer=%answer:?=% set answer=%answer::=% set answer=%answer:/=% set answer=%answer:\=% set answer=%answer:.=% set answer=%answer:!=% call :!%answer: =% 2>NUL if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto Genesis goto DNUT :gvs tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" echo speech.speak "%speech%" >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" start "%speech%" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%speech%.vbs" goto %gvs% :!enter set speech=You can't just hit enter set gvs=enter2 if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :enter2 echo You can't just hit enter... goto Genesis :DNUT set speech=Sorry i do not understand %answer%, would you like to add a response to %answer% set gvs=DNUT2 if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :DNUT2 echo Sorry, I do not understand, echo %answerf% echo (Any profanity related statements are not present.) echo (Correct punctuation is required for custom responses.) echo. echo Would you like to add a response to: echo %answerf% echo. :DNUTask set line=0 set respchoice=Enter set /p respchoice=Y/N: if "%respchoice%"=="no" goto Genesis if "%respchoice%"=="No" goto Genesis if "%respchoice%"=="Yes" goto teachuserresponse if "%respchoice%"=="yes" goto teachuserresponse if "%respchoice%"=="n" goto Genesis if "%respchoice%"=="N" goto Genesis if "%respchoice%"=="Y" goto teachuserresponse if "%respchoice%"=="y" goto teachuserresponse echo. goto DNUTask :teachuserresponse set speech=What do you want me to respond to %answer% set gvs=teachuserresponse2 if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :teachuserresponse2 set resp=Enter echo What do you want me to respond to echo %answerf% echo. echo (Or enter m to go back to start, without making any response) echo. set /p resp=Response: if "%resp%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%resp%"=="M" goto Genesis echo :!%answer: =%>> Genesis.bat echo set resp=%resp%>> Genesis.bat echo set gvs=2%answer: =%>> Genesis.bat echo goto CResponseVoiceRestore>> Genesis.bat echo :2%answer: =%>> Genesis.bat echo echo %resp%>> Genesis.bat echo goto Genesis>> Genesis.bat set speech=I now know what to respond to %answer% set gvs=responsenk if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :responsenk echo I now know what to respond to echo %answerf% goto Genesis :CResponseVoiceRestore if not "%gva%"=="1" goto %gvs% tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%answer%.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%answer%.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%answer%.vbs" echo speech.speak "%resp%" >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%answer%.vbs" start "%answer%" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\%answer%.vbs" goto %gvs% :!help set speech=Here's a list of commands set gvs=help2 if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :help2 echo Here's a list of commands: echo about - info about Genesis echo voice - turns on and off Genesis' voice echo change c - changes color of program echo open app - opens application echo open close - opens app and closes Genesis echo open web - opens website echo exit - exits program echo clear - clears the screen echo change pre - changes prefix (ex. C:) echo change age - changes user's age echo reset - resets current account in use echo shutdown - shuts down Computer echo restart - restarts Computer echo make txt file - makes a text file echo make bat file - makes a batch file echo make sav file - makes a save file echo change name - changes the user's name echo calculate - calculates two numbers echo reload - reloads Genesis echo time - shows the time echo date - shows the date echo teach - teach Genesis about certain things echo learn - Genesis teaches what you taught her echo forget - make Genesis forget about something you taught her echo shop - Genesis opens a shopping website echo echo - Genesis repeats what you say echo chat - opens up a chat room (Requires extra app) echo change pass - changes the password of the current username echo change uname - changes the username in use echo logout - signs out of current username echo del account - deletes the account in use goto Genesis :!voice if "%gva%"=="1" goto voicetoff echo Do you want to turn the voice on? echo. set answer=Enter set /p answer=YN: if "%answer%"=="Yes" goto voiceton2 if "%answer%"=="No" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="yes" goto voiceton2 if "%answer%"=="no" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="Y" goto voiceton2 if "%answer%"=="y" goto voiceton2 if "%answer%"=="N" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="n" goto Genesis echo. goto !voice :voiceton2 set gva=1 if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts ( echo %pass% echo %name% echo %warn% echo %coco% echo %pre% echo %hage% echo %age% echo %year% echo %teachw% echo %learnw% echo %gva% echo %usc% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" set speech=Voice successfully turned on! set gvs=voiceton2n goto gvs :voiceton2n echo Voice successfully turned on! goto Genesis :voicetoff set speech=Do you want to turn the voice off set gvs=voicetoffn goto gvs :voicetoffn echo Do you want to turn the voice off? echo. set answer=Enter set /p answer=YN: if "%answer%"=="Yes" goto voicetoff2 if "%answer%"=="No" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="yes" goto voicetoff2 if "%answer%"=="no" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="Y" goto voicetoff2 if "%answer%"=="y" goto voicetoff2 if "%answer%"=="N" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="n" goto Genesis echo. goto voicetoffn :voicetoff2 set gva=0 rmdir /s /q "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts ( echo %pass% echo %name% echo %warn% echo %coco% echo %pre% echo %hage% echo %age% echo %year% echo %teachw% echo %learnw% echo %gva% echo %usc% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" echo. echo Voice successfully turned off! goto Genesis :!exit set speech=Are you sure that you want to exit set gvs=exit2 if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :exit2 echo Are you sure that you want to exit? echo. :exitask set answer=enter set /p answer=Y/N: if "%answer%"=="Yes" goto CExit if "%answer%"=="No" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="yes" goto CExit if "%answer%"=="no" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="Y" goto CExit if "%answer%"=="N" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="y" goto CExit if "%answer%"=="n" goto Genesis echo. goto exitask :CExit set speech=See you later %name%! set gvs=CExit2 if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :CExit2 echo See you later, %name%! echo. timeout 4 >nul rmdir /s /q "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" exit :!openapp if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Apps" mkdir GenesisFiles\Apps set speech=Enter the app that you want to open, or enter b to go back. set gvs=openapp2 if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :openapp2 set app=enter echo Enter the app that you want to open, or enter b to go back. echo (Any app you want opened has to be placed in the Apps folder) echo (Apps folder is located in the GenesisFiles folder) echo (Some things require extensions. ex. .txt) echo. echo List of apps: dir /b GenesisFiles\Apps echo. set /p app=%pre% if "%app%"=="b" goto Genesis if "%app%"=="B" goto Genesis start "%app%" "GenesisFiles\Apps\%app%" goto Genesis :!openweb set speech=Enter the URL of the website that you want to be opened. set gvs=openweb2 if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :openweb2 set web=enter echo Enter the URL of the website you want to be opened. echo (ex. www.youtube.com) echo (This will open in your Default Browser.) echo Or enter b to go back. echo. set /p web=%pre% if "%web%"=="b" goto Genesis if "%web%"=="B" goto Genesis start %web% goto Genesis :!changepre set speech=What would you like to change the prefix into set gvs=changepre2 if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changepre2 echo Current prefix: %pre% echo What would you like to change the prefix into? echo (Example: C:) echo Or enter m to go back. echo. :changepreask set fpre=Enter: set /p fpre=Prefix: set fpref=%fpre% set fpref=%fpref:?=% set fpref=%fpref::=% if "%fpre%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%fpre%"=="M" goto Genesis if "%fpre%"=="%pre%" goto AUPRE goto changep2 :AUPRE set speech=The prefix is already set as %fpref%. Try again. set gvs=AUPRE2 if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :AUPRE2 echo The prefix is already set as %pre% echo Try again. echo. goto changepreask :changep2 set pre=%fpre% :makesavfile2 if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts ( echo %pass% echo %name% echo %warn% echo %coco% echo %pre% echo %hage% echo %age% echo %year% echo %teachw% echo %learnw% echo %gva% echo %usc% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" set speech=Prefix changed to %fpref% set gvs=changeprecd if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changeprecd echo Prefix changed to: %pre% goto Genesis :!changec color %coco% set speech=What would you like to change the color of the background into set gvs=changecn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changecn echo What would you like to change the color of the background echo into? (Example: 0A) echo Or enter m to go go back. echo 0 = Black 8 = Gray echo 1 = Blue 9 = Light Blue echo 2 = Green A = Light Green echo 3 = Aqua B = Light Aqua echo 4 = Red C = Light Red echo 5 = Purple D = Light Purple echo 6 = Yellow E = Light Yellow echo 7 = White F = Bright White echo. :changecask set chcogb=changecask set co=enter set /p co=Background color: if "%co%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%co%"=="M" goto Genesis if "%co%"=="0" set colorpi1=Black&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="1" set colorpi1=Blue& goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="2" set colorpi1=Green&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="3" set colorpi1=Aqua&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="4" set colorpi1=Red&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="5" set colorpi1=Purple&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="6" set colorpi1=Yellow&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="7" set colorpi1=White&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="8" set colorpi1=Gray&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="9" set colorpi1=Light Blue&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="A" set colorpi1=Light Green&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="B" set colorpi1=Light Aqua&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="C" set colorpi1=Light Red&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="D" set colorpi1=Light Purple&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="E" set colorpi1=Light Yellow&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="F" set colorpi1=Bright White&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="a" set colorpi1=Light Green&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="b" set colorpi1=Light Aqua&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="c" set colorpi1=Light Red&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="d" set colorpi1=Light Purple&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="e" set colorpi1=Light Yellow&goto changeco2 if "%co%"=="f" set colorpi1=Bright White&goto changeco2 goto invcoco :invcoco set speech=That's an invalid interval! set gvs=invcocon if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :invcocon echo That's an invalid interval! echo. goto %chcogb% :changeco2 color %coco% set speech=What would you like to change the color of the text into set gvs=changeco2n if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changeco2n echo What would you like to change the color of the text into? echo (Example: 0A) echo Or enter m to go back to start. echo. :changeco2ask set co2=enter set chcogb=changeco2ask set /p co2=Text color: if "%co2%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%co2%"=="M" goto Genesis if "%co2%"=="0" set colorpi2=Black&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="1" set colorpi2=Blue& goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="2" set colorpi2=Green&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="3" set colorpi2=Aqua&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="4" set colorpi2=Red&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="5" set colorpi2=Purple&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="6" set colorpi2=Yellow&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="7" set colorpi2=White&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="8" set colorpi2=Gray&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="9" set colorpi2=Light Blue&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="A" set colorpi2=Light Green&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="B" set colorpi2=Light Aqua&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="C" set colorpi2=Light Red&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="D" set colorpi2=Light Purple&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="E" set colorpi2=Light Yellow&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="F" set colorpi2=Bright White&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="a" set colorpi2=Light Green&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="b" set colorpi2=Light Aqua&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="c" set colorpi2=Light Red&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="d" set colorpi2=Light Purple&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="e" set colorpi2=Light Yellow&goto changecoc if "%co2%"=="f" set colorpi2=Bright White&goto changecoc goto invcoco :changecoc set cocot=%co%%co2% color %coco% if "%cocot%"=="00" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="11" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="22" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="33" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="44" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="55" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="66" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="77" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="88" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="99" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="AA" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="BB" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="CC" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="DD" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="EE" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="FF" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="aa" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="bb" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="cc" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="dd" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="ee" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="ff" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="Aa" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="Bb" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="Cc" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="Dd" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="Ee" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="Ff" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="aA" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="bB" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="cC" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="dD" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="eE" goto invcoco2 if "%cocot%"=="fF" goto invcoco2 goto prococo :invcoco2 set speech=You can't use the same text color as the background color. Try again. set gvs=invcoco2n if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :invcoco2n echo You can't use the same text color as the background color. echo Try again. echo. goto changeco2ask :prococo set coco=%cocot% :makesavfile3 color %coco% if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts ( echo %pass% echo %name% echo %warn% echo %coco% echo %pre% echo %hage% echo %age% echo %year% echo %teachw% echo %learnw% echo %gva% echo %usc% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" set speech=Your screen now has a %colorpi1% background with a %colorpi2% text color! set gvs=cocochanged if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :cocochanged echo Your screen now has a %colorpi1% background echo with a %colorpi2% text color! goto Genesis :!shutdown set speech=Are you sure that you want to shutdown your computer set gvs=shutdownn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :shutdownn echo Are you sure that you want to shutdown your computer? echo. :shutdownask set answer=enter set /p answer=Y/N: if "%answer%"=="yes" goto shutdown2 if "%answer%"=="Yes" goto shutdown2 if "%answer%"=="No" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="no" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="y" goto shutdown2 if "%answer%"=="Y" goto shutdown2 if "%answer%"=="N" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="n" goto Genesis echo. goto shutdownask :shutdown2 rmdir /s /q "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" shutdown.exe /s /t 00 exit :!restart set speech=Are you sure that you want to restart your computer set gvs=restartn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :restartn echo Are you sure that you want to restart your computer? echo. :restartask set answer=enter set /p answer=Y/N: if "%answer%"=="yes" goto restart2 if "%answer%"=="Yes" goto restart2 if "%answer%"=="No" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="no" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="y" goto restart2 if "%answer%"=="Y" goto restart2 if "%answer%"=="N" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="n" goto Genesis echo. goto restartask :restart2 rmdir /s /q "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" shutdown.exe /r /t 00 exit :!maketxtfile set filet=txt set line=0 set txt=Enter set speech=What would you like to name the text file set gvs=maketxtfilen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :maketxtfilen echo What would you like to name the text (.txt) file? echo (You can't use question marks.) echo. set /p txt=%pre% set txt=%txt:?=% set txt=%txt::=% :maketxtfile2 set txtin= set /a line=%line%+1 set speech=What would you like to be in the text file, %txt% set gvs=maketxtfile2n if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :maketxtfile2n echo What would you like to be in the text (.txt) file, echo %txt%? echo (Everytime you enter something, it fills a line.) echo (Enter d when you're done.) echo. set /p txtin=Line %line%: if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles if "%txtin%"=="" (echo.>>"GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles\%txt%.txt" & goto maketxtfile2a) if "%txtin%"=="d" goto filedone echo %txtin%>>"GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles\%txt%.txt" :maketxtfile2a set txtin= set /a line=%line%+1 set /p txtin=Line %line%: if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles if "%txtin%"=="d" goto filedone if "%txtin%"=="" (echo.>>"GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles\%txt%.txt" & goto maketxtfile2a) echo %txtin%>>"GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles\%txt%.txt" goto maketxtfile2a :!makebatfile set filet=bat set line=0 set bat=Enter set speech=What would you like to name the batch file set gvs=makebatfilen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :makebatfilen echo What would you like to name the batch (.bat) file? echo (You can't use question marks.) echo. set /p bat=%pre% set bat=%bat:?=% set bat=%bat::=% :makebatfile2 set batin= set /a line=%line%+1 set speech=What would you like to be in the batch file, %bat% set gvs=makebatfile2n if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :makebatfile2n echo What would you like to be in the batch (.bat) file, echo %bat%? echo (Everytime you enter something, it fills a line.) echo (Enter d when you're done.) echo. set /p batin=Line %line%: if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles if "%batin%"=="" (echo.>>"GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles\%bat%.bat" & goto makebatfile2a) if "%batin%"=="d" goto filedone echo %batin%>>"GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles\%bat%.bat" :makebatfile2a set batin= set /a line=%line%+1 set /p batin=Line %line%: if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles if "%batin%"=="d" goto filedone if "%batin%"=="" (echo.>>"GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles\%bat%.bat" & goto makebatfile2a) echo %batin%>>"GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles\%bat%.bat" goto makebatfile2a :!makesavfile set filet=sav set line=0 set sav=Enter set speech=What would you like to name the save file set gvs=makesavfilen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :makesavfilen echo What would you like to name the save (.sav) file? echo (You can't use question marks.) echo. set /p sav=%pre% set sav=%sav:?=% set sav=%sav::=% :makesavvfile2 set savin= set /a line=%line%+1 set speech=What would you like to be in the save file, %sav% set gvs=makesavvfile2n if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :makesavvfile2n echo What would you like to be in the save (.sav) file, echo %sav%? echo (Everytime you enter something, it fills a line.) echo (Enter d when you're done.) echo. set /p savin=Line %line%: if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles if "%savin%"=="" (echo.>>"GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles\%sav%.sav" & goto makesavfile2a) if "%savin%"=="d" goto filedone echo %savin%>>"GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles\%sav%.sav" :makesavfile2a set savin=. set /a line=%line%+1 set /p savin=Line %line%: if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles if "%savin%"=="" (echo.>>"GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles\%sav%.sav" & goto makesavfile2a) if "%savin%"=="d" goto filedone echo %savin%>>"GenesisFiles\CreatedFiles\%sav%.sav" goto makesavfile2a :filedone if %line%==1 goto filenm set speech=Your %filet% file has successfully been created! set gvs=filedonen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :filedonen echo Your %filet% file has successfully been created! echo (It will be stored in the CreatedFiles folder.) echo (Located in the GenesisFiles folder.) goto Genesis :filenm set speech=Your %filet% file has not been created. set gvs=filenmn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :filenmn echo Your %filet% file has not been created. goto Genesis :!changename set speech=What do you want your new name to be set gvs=changenamen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changenamen echo Your current name is: %name% echo What do you want your new name to be? echo (Or enter m to go back.) echo. :changenameask set fname=Enter set /p fname=New name: set fnamef=%fname% set fnamef=%fnamef:?=% set fnamef=%fnamef::=% if "%fname%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%fname%"=="M" goto Genesis if "%fname%"=="%name%" goto AUNAME goto nameconfirm :AUNAME set speech=Your name is already set as %fnamef%. Try again. set gvs=AUNAMEN if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :AUNAMEN echo Your name is already set as: %name% echo Try again. echo. goto changenameask :nameconfirm set speech=Your new name is %fnamef%, am I correct set gvs=nameconfirmn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :nameconfirmn echo Your new name is %fname%, am I correct? echo. :nameconfirmask set answer=enter set /p answer=Y/N: if "%answer%"=="Yes" goto changename2 if "%answer%"=="No" goto !changename if "%answer%"=="yes" goto changename2 if "%answer%"=="no" goto !changename if "%answer%"=="Y" goto changename2 if "%answer%"=="N" goto !changename if "%answer%"=="y" goto changename2 if "%answer%"=="n" goto !changename goto nameconfirmask :changename2 set name=%fname% :makesavfile4 if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts ( echo %pass% echo %name% echo %warn% echo %coco% echo %pre% echo %hage% echo %age% echo %year% echo %teachw% echo %learnw% echo %gva% echo %usc% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" set speech=Your name is now %fnamef% set gvs=nameisnow if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :nameisnow echo Your name is now %name% goto Genesis :!calculate set calinput=Enter set speech=Type in your equation here set gvs=calculaten if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :calculaten echo Type in your equation here: echo (Addition uses +, Subtraction uses -, echo Multiplication uses *, and Division uses /) echo (Or enter m to go to start.) echo. :calculateask set calinput=Enter set /p calinput=Calculate: if "%calinput%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%calinput%"=="M" goto Genesis if "%calinput%"=="Enter" goto calculateask set /a calans=%calinput% set speech=The answer to your equation is %calans% set gvs=calculateansd if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :calculateansd echo The answer to your equation is: echo %calans% echo. pause echo. :calculate2 set speech=What would you like to do to %calans% set gvs=calculate2n if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :calculate2n echo What would you like to do to %calans%? echo (ex. +2) echo (Addition uses +, Subtraction uses -, echo Multiplication uses *, and Division uses /) echo (Enter c to clear or enter m to go to start.) echo. :calculate2ask set calinput=Enter set /p calinput=Calculate: if "%calinput%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%calinput%"=="M" goto Genesis if "%calinput%"=="c" goto calculatecl if "%calinput%"=="C" goto calculatecl if "%calinput%"=="Enter" goto calculate2ask set /a calans=%calans%%calinput% set speech=The answer to your equation is %calans% set gvs=calculate2ansd if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :calculate2ansd echo The answer to your equation is: echo %calans% echo. pause echo. :calculate3 set speech=What would you like to do to %calans% set gvs=calculate3n if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :calculate3n echo What would you like to do to %calans%? echo (Enter c to clear or enter m to go to start.) echo. :calculate3ask set calinput=Enter set /p calinput=Calculate: if "%calinput%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%calinput%"=="M" goto Genesis if "%calinput%"=="c" goto calculatecl if "%calinput%"=="C" goto calculatecl if "%calinput%"=="Enter" goto calculate3ask set /a calans=%calans%%calinput% set speech=The answer to your equation is %calans% set gvs=calculate3ansd if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :calculate3ansd echo The answer to your equation is: echo %calans% echo. pause echo. goto calculate3 :calculatecl echo. goto !calculate :!about set speech=I was created by ACA. (Aiden Adams). My production started on June 29th, 2017. I was last updated on March 7th, 2019. I was created on Windows 10. set gvs=aboutn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :aboutn echo I was created by ACA echo (Aiden Adams) echo. echo My production started: 6/29/17 echo I was last updated: 3/7/19 echo. echo I was created on Windows 10, (Notepad) echo. pause tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul goto Genesis :!time set hour=%time:~0,2% if "%hour:~0,1%" == " " set hour=0%hour:~1,1% set min=%time:~3,2% if "%min:~0,1%" == " " set min=0%min:~1,1% set secs=%time:~6,2% if "%secs:~0,1%" == " " set secs=0%secs:~1,1% set AMPM=AM if %hour%==01 set hour=1 if %hour%==02 set hour=2 if %hour%==03 set hour=3 if %hour%==04 set hour=4 if %hour%==05 set hour=5 if %hour%==06 set hour=6 if %hour%==07 set hour=7 if %hour%==08 set hour=8 if %hour%==09 set hour=9 if %hour%==10 goto timeac if %hour%==11 goto timeac if %hour%==24 set AMPM=AM if %hour%==12 set AMPM=PM if %hour%==13 set AMPM=PM if %hour%==14 set AMPM=PM if %hour%==15 set AMPM=PM if %hour%==16 set AMPM=PM if %hour%==17 set AMPM=PM if %hour%==18 set AMPM=PM if %hour%==19 set AMPM=PM if %hour%==20 set AMPM=PM if %hour%==21 set AMPM=PM if %hour%==22 set AMPM=PM if %hour%==23 set AMPM=PM :TIMERC if %hour%==24 set hour=12 if %hour%==12 set hour=12 if %hour%==13 set hour=1 if %hour%==14 set hour=2 if %hour%==15 set hour=3 if %hour%==16 set hour=4 if %hour%==17 set hour=5 if %hour%==18 set hour=6 if %hour%==19 set hour=7 if %hour%==20 set hour=8 if %hour%==21 set hour=9 if %hour%==22 set hour=10 if %hour%==23 set hour=11 :TIMEMC if %min%==01 set min=O1 if %min%==02 set min=O2 if %min%==03 set min=O3 if %min%==04 set min=O4 if %min%==05 set min=O5 if %min%==06 set min=O6 if %min%==07 set min=O7 if %min%==08 set min=O8 if %min%==09 set min=O9 :timeac set speech=The time is %hour% %min% %AMPM%. set gvs=timeacn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :timeacn echo The time is %hour%:%min% %AMPM%. goto Genesis :!whattimeisit goto !time :!whattimeisitrightnow goto !time :!whatisthetime goto !time :!whatisthetimerightnow goto !time :!date set month=%date:~-10,2% set day=%date:~7,2% set datyear=%date:~-4% if "%month%"=="01" set month=January if "%month%"=="02" set month=February if "%month%"=="03" set month=March if "%month%"=="04" set month=April if "%month%"=="05" set month=May if "%month%"=="06" set month=June if "%month%"=="07" set month=July if "%month%"=="08" set month=August if "%month%"=="09" set month=September if "%month%"=="10" set month=October if "%month%"=="11" set month=November if "%month%"=="12" set month=December if "%day%"=="01" set day=1st if "%day%"=="02" set day=2nd if "%day%"=="03" set day=3rd if "%day%"=="04" set day=4th if "%day%"=="05" set day=5th if "%day%"=="06" set day=6th if "%day%"=="07" set day=7th if "%day%"=="08" set day=8th if "%day%"=="09" set day=9th if "%day%"=="10" set day=10th if "%day%"=="11" set day=11th if "%day%"=="12" set day=12th if "%day%"=="13" set day=13th if "%day%"=="14" set day=14th if "%day%"=="15" set day=15th if "%day%"=="16" set day=16th if "%day%"=="17" set day=17th if "%day%"=="18" set day=18th if "%day%"=="19" set day=19th if "%day%"=="20" set day=20th if "%day%"=="21" set day=21st if "%day%"=="22" set day=22nd if "%day%"=="23" set day=23rd if "%day%"=="24" set day=24th if "%day%"=="25" set day=25th if "%day%"=="26" set day=26th if "%day%"=="27" set day=27th if "%day%"=="28" set day=28th if "%day%"=="29" set day=29th if "%day%"=="30" set day=30th if "%day%"=="31" set day=31st set speech=The date is %month% %day%, %datyear%. set gvs=daten if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :daten echo The date is %month% %day%, %datyear%. goto Genesis :!whatisthedate goto !date :!whatisthedaterightnow goto !date :!whatisthedatetoday goto !date :!whatistheday set day=%date:~0,3% if %day%==Mon set day=Monday if %day%==Tue set day=Tuesday if %day%==Wed set day=Wednesday if %day%==Thu set day=Thursday if %day%==Fri set day=Friday if %day%==Sat set day=Saturday if %day%==Sun set day=Sunday set speech=The current day is %day%. set gvs=dayisn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :dayisn echo The current day is %day%. goto Genesis :!whatisthedaytoday goto !whatistheday :!whatisthecurrentday goto !whatistheday :!whatisthedayrightnow goto !whatistheday :!whatdayisit goto !whatistheday :!whatdayisittoday goto !whatistheday :!whatdayisitrightnow goto !whatistheday :!howoldami if "%hage%"=="0" goto idkhoay if "%hage%"=="1" goto yaah2 goto Genesis :idkhoay set answer=enter set speech=I don't know, how old are you set gvs=idkhoay2 if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :idkhoay2 echo I don't know, how old are you? echo (Or enter m to go back.) :selectuage echo. set /p answer=Age: if "%answer%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="M" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="1" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="2" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="3" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="4" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="5" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="6" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="7" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="8" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="9" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="10" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="11" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="12" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="13" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="14" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="15" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="16" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="17" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="18" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="19" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="20" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="21" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="22" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="23" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="24" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="25" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="26" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="27" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="28" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="29" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="30" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="31" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="32" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="33" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="34" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="35" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="36" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="37" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="38" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="39" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="40" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="41" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="42" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="43" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="44" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="45" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="46" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="47" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="48" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="49" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="50" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="51" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="52" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="53" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="54" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="55" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="56" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="57" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="58" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="59" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="60" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="61" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="62" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="63" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="64" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="65" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="66" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="67" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="68" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="69" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="70" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="71" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="72" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="73" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="74" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="75" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="76" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="77" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="78" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="79" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="80" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="81" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="82" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="83" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="84" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="85" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="86" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="87" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="88" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="89" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="90" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="91" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="92" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="93" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="94" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="95" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="96" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="97" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="98" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="99" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="100" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="101" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="102" goto changeagei set speech=That is an invalid age! Try again. set gvs=invageta if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :invageta echo That is an invalid age! Try again. goto selectuage :changeagei if %answer%==1 goto changeagei1 set year=years set age=%answer% set hage=1 goto makesavfile5 :changeagei1 set year=year set age=%answer% set hage=1 goto makesavfile5 :makesavfile5 if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts ( echo %pass% echo %name% echo %warn% echo %coco% echo %pre% echo %hage% echo %age% echo %year% echo %teachw% echo %learnw% echo %gva% echo %usc% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" goto okyaayo :okyaayo set speech=Ok, you are %age% %year% old! set gvs=okyaayon if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :okyaayon echo Ok, you are %age% %year% old! goto Genesis :yaah2 set speech=You are %age% %year% old. set gvs=yaah2n if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :yaah2n echo You are %age% %year% old. goto Genesis :!changeage set answer=enter set speech=How old are you set gvs=changeagen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changeagen echo How old are you? echo (Or enter m to go back.) :askselectuage echo. set /p answer=Age: if "%answer%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="M" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="1" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="2" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="3" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="4" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="5" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="6" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="7" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="8" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="9" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="10" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="11" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="12" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="13" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="14" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="15" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="16" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="17" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="18" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="19" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="20" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="21" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="22" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="23" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="24" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="25" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="26" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="27" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="28" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="29" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="30" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="31" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="32" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="33" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="34" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="35" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="36" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="37" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="38" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="39" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="40" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="41" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="42" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="43" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="44" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="45" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="46" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="47" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="48" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="49" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="50" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="51" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="52" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="53" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="54" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="55" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="56" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="57" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="58" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="59" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="60" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="61" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="62" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="63" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="64" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="65" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="66" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="67" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="68" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="69" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="70" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="71" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="72" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="73" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="74" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="75" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="76" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="77" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="78" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="79" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="80" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="81" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="82" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="83" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="84" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="85" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="86" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="87" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="88" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="89" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="90" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="91" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="92" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="93" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="94" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="95" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="96" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="97" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="98" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="99" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="100" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="101" goto changeagei if "%answer%"=="102" goto changeagei set speech=That is an invalid age! Try again. set gvs=invageta2 if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :invageta2 echo That is an invalid age! Try again. goto selectuage :!teach if "%teachw%"=="1" goto teachgenesis1 if "%teachw%"=="0" goto teachgenesiswarn :teachgenesiswarn if not "%gva%"=="1" goto teachgenesiswarn2 tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\teachgenesiswarnvoice.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\teachgenesiswarnvoice.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\teachgenesiswarnvoice.vbs" echo speech.speak "With the teach function, you can teach me anything about a certain thing! Like if you type a word/sentence that you haven't told me about yet, then you are able to type what that word/sentence means! Example. You type, cars, then type, a transporting vehicle! That way, when you type learn at the start and type cars again, I will say, a transporting vehicle! If you decide to give a different definition of something, just type the same thing you wanted to teach me about again. That way you'll be able to retype the definition." >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\teachgenesiswarnvoice.vbs" start "teachgenesiswarnvoice" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\teachgenesiswarnvoice.vbs" :teachgenesiswarn2 echo With the teach function, you can teach me anything about a echo certain thing! Like if you type a word/sentence that you echo haven't told me about yet, then you are able to type echo what that word/sentence means! echo Ex. You type, 'cars', then type 'a transporting vehicle'! echo That way, when you type 'learn' at the start and type 'cars' echo again, I will say, 'a transporting vehicle'! echo If you decide to give a different definition of something, echo just type the same thing you wanted to teach me about again. echo That way you'll be able to retype the definition. echo. pause tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul echo. :makesavfile6 set teachw=1 if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts ( echo %pass% echo %name% echo %warn% echo %coco% echo %pre% echo %hage% echo %age% echo %year% echo %teachw% echo %learnw% echo %gva% echo %usc% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" :teachgenesis1 set line=0 set teachg=Enter set speech=What do you want me to learn about set gvs=teachgenesis1n if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :teachgenesis1n echo What do you want me to learn about? echo (You can't use question marks.) echo Or enter m to go back to start. echo. set /p teachg=Teach: set teachg=%teachg:?=% set teachg=%teachg::=% if "%teachg%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%teachg%"=="M" goto Genesis :teach2 set about=. set speech=Tell me about %teachg%. set gvs=teach2n if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :teach2n echo Tell me about %teachg%. echo (Or enter m to go back to start and not teach about this.) echo. set /p about=About %teachg%: if "%about%"=="m" goto ntathing if "%about%"=="M" goto ntathing if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Learnings" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Learnings if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Learnings\%teachg%" mkdir "GenesisFiles\Saves\Learnings\%teachg%" echo %about% >"GenesisFiles\Saves\Learnings\%teachg%\about.sav" :teachnknow echo. set speech=I now know about %teachg%! set gvs=teachnknown if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :teachnknown echo I now know about %teachg%! goto Genesis :ntathing set speech=I have not been taught about %teachg%. set gvs=ntathingn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :ntathingn echo I have not been taught about %teachg%. goto Genesis :!learn if "%learnw%"=="0" goto learngenesiswarn if "%learnw%"=="1" goto learngenesis1 :learngenesiswarn if not "%gva%"=="1" goto learngenesiswarn2 tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul set speech=learngenesiswarnvoice if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo ' > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\learngenesiswarnvoice.vbs" echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\learngenesiswarnvoice.vbs" echo set speech.Voice = speech.GetVoices.Item(1) >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\learngenesiswarnvoice.vbs" echo speech.speak "With the learn function, I can teach you what you've already taught me. If there's something you've taught me with the teach command, you can learn it here from me! If you haven't already taught me something, then I will tell you so. Reminder, Type exactly what you taught me." >> "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\learngenesiswarnvoice.vbs" start "learngenesiswarnvoice" "GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice\learngenesiswarnvoice.vbs" :learngenesiswarn2 echo With the learn function, I can teach you what you've already echo taught me. If there's something you've taught me with the echo teach command, you can learn it here from me! If you haven't echo already taught me something, then I will tell you so. echo Reminder: Type exactly what you taught me. echo. pause tasklist /fi "imagename eq wscript.exe" |find ":" >nul if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "wscript.exe" >nul echo. :makesavfile7 set learnw=1 if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts ( echo %pass% echo %name% echo %warn% echo %coco% echo %pre% echo %hage% echo %age% echo %year% echo %teachw% echo %learnw% echo %gva% echo %usc% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" goto learngenesis1 :learngenesis1 if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Learnings" goto notclearna set speech=What would you like to learn about set gvs=learngenesis1n if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :learngenesis1n echo What would you like to learn about? echo (Or enter m to go to start.) echo. echo Things that you've taught me about: dir /b "GenesisFiles\Saves\Learnings" echo. :learngenesis1ask set teachg=Enter set /p teachg=Learn: set teachg=%teachg:?=% set teachg=%teachg::=% if "%teachg%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%teachg%"=="M" goto Genesis if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Learnings\%teachg%" goto notclearn goto teachuser :notclearn set speech=I have not been taught about that yet. set gvs=notclearnn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :notclearnn echo I have not been taught about that yet. echo. :learngenesis1ask2 echo What would you like to learn about? echo (Or enter m to go to start.) echo. set teachg=Enter set /p teachg=Learn: set teachg=%teachg:?=% set teachg=%teachg::=% if "%teachg%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%teachg%"=="M" goto Genesis if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Learnings\%teachg%" goto notclearn goto teachuser :notclearna set speech=I haven't been taught anything yet! Would you like to teach me something, or go back to start set gvs=notclearnan if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :notclearnan echo I haven't been taught anything yet! echo Would you like to teach me something, or go back to start? echo (Enter t to teach, or m to go back to start.) echo. :notclearnaask set /p answer=T/M: if "%answer%"=="t" goto !teach if "%answer%"=="T" goto !teach if "%answer%"=="M" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="m" goto Genesis echo. goto notclearnaask :teachuser set /p about=<"GenesisFiles\Saves\Learnings\%teachg%\about.sav" set aboutf=%about% set aboutf=%aboutf:?=% set aboutf=%aboutf::=% set speech=About %teachg%, %aboutf% set gvs=teachuser2 if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :teachuser2 echo About %teachg%: echo %about% echo. pause goto learngenesis1 :!forget if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Learnings" goto nothingtf set speech=Would you like me to forget everything you taught me, or forget a specific thing set gvs=forgetn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :forgetn echo Would you like me to forget everything you taught me, echo or forget a specific thing? echo (Enter e to forget everything, or enter s for specific thing) echo Or enter m to go back to start. echo. echo Current things I know about: dir /b GenesisFiles\Saves\Learnings echo. :forgetask set answer=Enter set /p answer=E/S/M: if "%answer%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="M" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="e" goto forgete if "%answer%"=="s" goto forgets if "%answer%"=="E" goto forgete if "%answer%"=="S" goto forgets echo. goto forgetask :nothingtf set speech=I haven't been taught anything, so there's nothing to forget! set gvs=nothingtfn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :nothingtfn echo I haven't been taught anything, so there's nothing to forget! goto Genesis :forgete set speech=Are you sure you want me to forget all that you've taught me set gvs=forgeten if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :forgeten echo Are you sure you want me to forget all that you've taught me? echo. set /p answer=Y/N: if "%answer%"=="no" goto !forget if "%answer%"=="No" goto !forget if "%answer%"=="yes" goto forgetef if "%answer%"=="Yes" goto forgetef if "%answer%"=="n" goto !forget if "%answer%"=="N" goto !forget if "%answer%"=="y" goto forgetef if "%answer%"=="Y" goto forgetef goto forgeten :forgetef rmdir /s /q "GenesisFiles\Saves\Learnings" set speech=I've successfully forgotten about all that you've taught me! set gvs=forgetefn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :forgetefn echo I've successfully forgotten about all that you've taught me! goto Genesis :forgets set speech=What would you like me to forget about set gvs=forgetsn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :forgetsn echo What would you like me to forget about? echo (Or enter m to go back to start.) echo. echo Current things I know about: dir /b GenesisFiles\Saves\Learnings echo. :forgetsask set ttfot=Enter set /p ttfor=%pre% set ttfor=%ttfor:?=% set ttfor=%ttfor::=% if "%ttfor%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%ttfor%"=="M" goto Genesis if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Learnings\%ttfor%" goto nothingtfs rmdir /s /q "GenesisFiles\Saves\Learnings\%ttfor%" set speech=I've successfully forgotten about %ttfor%! set gvs=forgetssuc if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :forgetssuc echo I've successfully forgotten about %ttfor%! echo. timeout 4 >nul goto !forget :nothingtfs set speech=I've never been taught about %ttfor%! set gvs=nothingtfsn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :nothingtfsn echo I've never been taught about %ttfor%! echo. timeout 4 >nul goto forgets :!c_var ( set /p pass= set /p name= set /p warn= set /p coco= set /p pre= set /p hage= set /p age= set /p year= set /p teachw= set /p learnw= set /p gva= set /p usc= ) < "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" color %coco% set speech=What variable would you like to change set gvs=c_varn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :c_varn echo Going off of username: %username% echo (This is a developer tool, use at your own risk.) echo What variable would you like to change? echo (Or enter m to go back to start.) echo. echo pass = %pass% echo name = %name% echo warn = %warn% echo coco = %coco% echo pre = %pre% echo hage = %hage% echo age = %age% echo year = %year% echo teachw = %teachw% echo learnw = %learnw% echo gva = %gva% echo usc = %usc% echo. :cvarask set answer=Enter set /p answer=Variable: if "%answer%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="M" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="pass" goto changevarpass if "%answer%"=="name" goto changevarname if "%answer%"=="warn" goto changevarwarn if "%answer%"=="coco" goto changevarcoco if "%answer%"=="pre" goto changevarpre if "%answer%"=="hage" goto changevarhage if "%answer%"=="age" goto changevarage if "%answer%"=="year" goto changevaryear if "%answer%"=="teachw" goto changevarteachw if "%answer%"=="learnw" goto changevarlearnw if "%answer%"=="gva" goto changevargva if "%answer%"=="usc" goto changevarusc :invcvar set speech=That's an invalid variable! set gvs=invcvarn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :invcvarn echo That's an invalid variable! echo. goto cvarask :changevarpass set pass=Enter set speech=What would you like to set the variable, pass set gvs=changevarpassn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changevarpassn echo What would you like to set the variable: echo pass echo. set /p pass=%pre% set passf=%pass% set passf=%passf::=% set passf=%passf:?=% set speech=Variable pass set to %passf% set gvs=varpassc if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :varpassc echo Variable 'pass' set to %pass% timeout 4 >nul goto makesavfile8 :changevarname set name=Enter set speech=What would you like to set the variable, name set gvs=changevarnamen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changevarnamen echo What would you like to set the variable: echo name echo. set /p name=%pre% set namef=%name% set namef=%namef::=% set namef=%namef:?=% set speech=Variable name set to %namef% set gvs=varnamec if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :varnamec echo Variable 'name' set to %name% timeout 4 >nul goto makesavfile8 :changevarwarn set warn=Enter set speech=What would you like to set the variable, warn set gvs=changevarwarnn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changevarwarnn echo What would you like to set the variable: echo warn echo. set /p warn=%pre% set warnf=%warn% set warnf=%warnf::=% set warnf=%warnf:?=% set speech=Variable warn set to %warnf% set gvs=varwarnc if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :varwarnc echo Variable 'warn' set to %warn% timeout 4 >nul goto makesavfile8 :changevarcoco set coco=Enter set speech=What would you like to set the variable, coco set gvs=changevarcocon if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changevarcocon echo What would you like to set the variable: echo coco echo. set /p coco=%pre% set cocof=%coco% set cocof=%cocof::=% set cocof=%cocof:?=% set speech=Variable coco set to %cocof% set gvs=varcococ if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :varcococ color %coco% echo Variable 'coco' set to %coco% timeout 4 >nul goto makesavfile8 :changevarpre set pre=%pre% set speech=What would you like to set the variable, pre set gvs=changevarpren if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changevarpren echo What would you like to set the variable: echo pre echo. set /p pre=%pre% set pref=%pre% set pref=%pref::=% set pref=%pref:?=% set speech=Variable pre set to %pref% set gvs=varprec if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :varprec echo Variable 'pre' set to %pre% timeout 4 >nul goto makesavfile8 :changevarhage set hage=Enter set speech=What would you like to set the variable, hage set gvs=changevarhagen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changevarhagen echo What would you like to set the variable: echo hage echo. set /p hage=%pre% set hagef=%hage% set hagef=%hagef::=% set hagef=%hagef:?=% set speech=Variable hage set to %hagef% set gvs=varhagec if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :varhagec echo Variable 'hage' set to %hage% timeout 4 >nul goto makesavfile8 :changevarage set age=Enter set speech=What would you like to set the variable, age set gvs=changevaragen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changevaragen echo What would you like to set the variable: echo age echo. set /p age=%pre% set agef=%age% set agef=%agef::=% set agef=%agef:?=% set speech=Variable age set to %agef% set gvs=varagec if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :varagec echo Variable 'age' set to %age% timeout 4 >nul goto makesavfile8 :changevaryear set year=Enter set speech=What would you like to set the variable, year set gvs=changevaryearn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changevaryearn echo What would you like to set the variable: echo year echo. set /p year=%pre% set yearf=%year% set yearf=%yearf::=% set yearf=%yearf:?=% set speech=Variable year set to %yearf% set gvs=varyearc if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :varyearc echo Variable 'year' set to %year% timeout 4 >nul goto makesavfile8 :changevarteachw set teachw=Enter set speech=What would you like to set the variable, teachw set gvs=changevarteachwn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changevarteachwn echo What would you like to set the variable: echo teachw echo. set /p teachw=%pre% set teachwf=%teachw% set teachwf=%teachwf::=% set teachwf=%teachwf:?=% set speech=Variable teachw set to %teachwf% set gvs=varteachwc if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :varteachwc echo Variable 'teachw' set to %teachw% timeout 4 >nul goto makesavfile8 :changevarlearnw set learnw=Enter set speech=What would you like to set the variable, learnw set gvs=changevarlearnwn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changevarlearnwn echo What would you like to set the variable: echo learnw echo. set /p learnw=%pre% set learnwf=%learnw% set learnwf=%learnwf::=% set learnwf=%learnwf:?=% set speech=Variable learnw set to %learnwf% set gvs=varlearnwc if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :varlearnwc echo Variable 'learnw' set to %learnw% timeout 4 >nul goto makesavfile8 :changevargva set gva=%gva% set speech=What would you like to set the variable, gva set gvs=changevargvan if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changevargvan echo What would you like to set the variable: echo gva echo. set /p gva=%pre% set gvaf=%gva% set gvaf=%gvaf::=% set gvaf=%gvaf:?=% set speech=Variable gva set to %gvaf% set gvs=vargvac if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :vargvac echo Variable 'gva' set to %gva% timeout 4 >nul goto makesavfile8 :changevarusc set usc=%usc% set speech=What would you like to set the variable, usc set gvs=changevaruscn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changevaruscn echo What would you like to set the variable: echo usc echo. set /p usc=%pre% set uscf=%usc% set gvaf=%uscf::=% set gvaf=%uscf:?=% set speech=Variable usc set to %uscf% set gvs=varuscc if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :varuscc echo Variable 'usc' set to %usc% timeout 4 >nul goto makesavfile8 :makesavfile8 echo. if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts ( echo %pass% echo %name% echo %warn% echo %coco% echo %pre% echo %hage% echo %age% echo %year% echo %teachw% echo %learnw% echo %gva% echo %usc% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" :c_var2 ( set /p pass= set /p name= set /p warn= set /p coco= set /p pre= set /p hage= set /p age= set /p year= set /p teachw= set /p learnw= set /p gva= set /p usc= ) < "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" set speech=What variable would you like to change set gvs=c_var2n if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :c_var2n echo What variable would you like to change? echo (Or enter m to go back to start.) echo. echo pass = %pass% echo name = %name% echo warn = %warn% echo coco = %coco% echo pre = %pre% echo hage = %hage% echo age = %age% echo year = %year% echo teachw = %teachw% echo learnw = %learnw% echo gva = %gva% echo usc = %usc% echo. :cvarask2 set answer=Enter set /p answer=Variable: if "%answer%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="M" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="pass" goto changevarpass if "%answer%"=="name" goto changevarname if "%answer%"=="warn" goto changevarwarn if "%answer%"=="coco" goto changevarcoco if "%answer%"=="pre" goto changevarpre if "%answer%"=="hage" goto changevarhage if "%answer%"=="age" goto changevarage if "%answer%"=="year" goto changevaryear if "%answer%"=="teachw" goto changevarteachw if "%answer%"=="learnw" goto changevarlearnw if "%answer%"=="gva" goto changevargva if "%answer%"=="usc" goto changevarusc :invcar2 set speech=That's an invalid variable! set gvs=invcar2n if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :invcar2n echo That's an invalid variable! echo. goto cvarask2 :!shop set shop=Enter set speech=Where would you like to go shopping. Example. Amazon set gvs=shopn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :shopn echo Where would you like to go shopping? echo (ex. Amazon) echo Or enter m to go back. echo. set /p shop=Shop: if "%shop%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%shop%"=="M" goto Genesis start www.%shop%.com goto Genesis :!let'sgoshopping goto !shop :!let'sgoshopping! goto !shop :!let'sgoshopping. goto !shop :!iwanttogoshopping goto !shop :!iwanttogoshopping! goto !shop :!iwanttogoshopping. goto !shop :!iwanttoshop goto !shop :!iwanttoshop! goto !shop :!iwanttoshop. goto !shop :!openashoppingwebsite goto !shop :!openashoppingwebsite! goto !shop :!openashoppingwebsite. goto !shop :!openshoppingwebsite goto !shop :!openshoppingwebsite! goto !shop :!echo set echo=Enter set speech=What do you want me to repeat set gvs=echon if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :echon echo What do you want me to repeat? echo. set /p echo=Echo: set echof=%echo% set echof=%echof::=% set echof=%echof:?=% set speech=%echof% set gvs=echoui if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :echoui echo %echo% goto Genesis :!openclose set speech=Enter the app that you want to open, or enter b to go back. set gvs=openclosen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :openclosen if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Apps" mkdir GenesisFiles\Apps set app=enter echo Enter the app that you want to open, or enter b to go back. echo (Any app you want opened has to be placed in the Apps folder) echo (Apps folder is located in the GenesisFiles folder) echo (Some things require extensions. ex. .txt) echo. echo List of apps: dir /b GenesisFiles\Apps echo. set /p app=%pre% if "%app%"=="b" goto Genesis if "%app%"=="B" goto Genesis start "%app%" "GenesisFiles\Apps\%app%" rmdir /s /q GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice exit :!changepass set speech=What would you like to set the new password as set gvs=changepassn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changepassn echo The current password is: %pass% echo What would you like to set the new password as? echo (Or enter m to go back to start.) :changepassask echo. set fpass=Enter set /p fpass=New password: set fpassf=%fpass% set fpassf=%fpassf::=% set fpassf=%fpassf:?=% if "%fpass%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%fpass%"=="M" goto Genesis if "%fpass%"=="b" goto changepassask if "%fpass%"=="B" goto changepassask if "%fpass%"=="%pass%" goto AUPASS goto changepass2 :AUPASS set speech=Your password is already set as %fpassf%. Try again. set gvs=AUPASSN if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :AUPASSN echo Your password is already set as: %pass% echo Try again. goto changepassask :changepass2 set speech=Are you sure that you want your new password set as %fpassf% set gvs=changepass2n if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changepass2n echo Are you sure that you want your new password set as echo %fpass%? echo. set /p answer=Y/N: if "%answer%"=="yes" goto settpass if "%answer%"=="no" goto !changepass if "%answer%"=="Yes" goto settpass if "%answer%"=="No" goto !changepass if "%answer%"=="y" goto settpass if "%answer%"=="n" goto !changepass if "%answer%"=="Y" goto settpass if "%answer%"=="N" goto !changepass goto changepass2 :settpass set pass=%fpass% :makesavfile9 if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts ( echo %pass% echo %name% echo %warn% echo %coco% echo %pre% echo %hage% echo %age% echo %year% echo %teachw% echo %learnw% echo %gva% echo %usc% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" set speech=Password successfully changed! set gvs=passsucc if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :passsucc echo. echo Password successfully changed! goto Genesis :!logout set speech=Are you sure you want to sign out of the account, %username% set gvs=logoutn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :logoutn echo Are you sure you want to sign out of the account, echo %username%? echo. :logoutask set answer=Enter set /p answer=Y/N: if "%answer%"=="yes" goto logout2 if "%answer%"=="no" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="Yes" goto logout2 if "%answer%"=="No" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="y" goto logout2 if "%answer%"=="n" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="Y" goto logout2 if "%answer%"=="N" goto Genesis echo. goto logoutask :logout2 if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts set username=Pending set cuser=0 ( echo %username% echo %cuser% ) > GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\cuset.sav color 0A set speech=Successfully logged out! set gvs=logoutsu goto gvs :logoutsu echo Successfully logged out! echo. timeout 3 >nul goto RLRLRL :!delaccount set speech=Are you sure you want to delete the account, %username% set gvs=delaccountn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :delaccountn echo Are you sure you want to delete the account, echo %username%? echo. :delaccountask set answer=Enter set /p answer=Y/N: if "%answer%"=="yes" goto delaccount2 if "%answer%"=="no" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="Yes" goto delaccount2 if "%answer%"=="No" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="y" goto delaccount2 if "%answer%"=="n" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="Y" goto delaccount2 if "%answer%"=="N" goto Genesis echo. goto delaccountask :delaccount2 del "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts set username=Pending set cuser=0 ( echo %username% echo %cuser% ) > GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\cuset.sav color 0A set speech=Account successfully deleted! set gvs=accsucde goto gvs :accsucde echo Account successfully deleted! echo. timeout 3 >nul goto RLRES :!changeuname set speech=What would you like to set the new username as set gvs=changeunamen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changeunamen echo The current username is: %username% echo What would you like to set the new username as? echo (You can't use question marks.) echo Or enter m to go back to start. :changeunameask echo. set usernameuc=Enter set /p usernameuc=New username: set usernameuc=%usernameuc:?=% set usernameuc=%usernameuc::=% if "%usernameuc%"=="m" goto Genesis if "%usernameuc%"=="M" goto Genesis if "%usernameuc%"=="b" goto changeunameask if "%usernameuc%"=="B" goto changeunameask if "%usernameuc%"=="cuset" goto changeunameask if "%usernameuc%"=="CUSET" goto changeunameask if "%usernameuc%"=="%username%" goto usernameiucc if exist "GenesisFiles\Accounts\%usernameuc%.sav" goto UNAMETAKEN :changeunamec set speech=Are you sure that you want to change your username to %usernameuc% set gvs=changeunamecn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :changeunamecn echo. echo Are you sure that you want to change your username to echo %usernameuc%? echo. :changeunamecask set answer=Enter set /p answer=Y/N: if "%answer%"=="yes" goto changeuname2 if "%answer%"=="no" goto !changeuname if "%answer%"=="Yes" goto changeuname2 if "%answer%"=="No" goto !changeuname if "%answer%"=="y" goto changeuname2 if "%answer%"=="n" goto !changeuname if "%answer%"=="Y" goto changeuname2 if "%answer%"=="N" goto !changeuname goto changeunamecask :changeuname2 ren "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" "%usernameuc%.sav" set username=%usernameuc% ( echo %username% echo %cuser% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\cuset.sav" set speech=Username successfully changed to %username%. set gvs=unamesucc if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :unamesucc echo Username successfully changed to: %username%. echo. goto Genesis :usernameiucc echo. set speech=The username, %username%, %username%, is already in use! set gvs=unameaiuta if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :unameaiuta echo The username, %username%, is already in use! echo Try again. goto changeunameask :UNAMETAKEN echo. set speech=The username, %usernameuc%, is already being used by another account! Try again. set gvs=unametakenn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :unametakenn echo The username, %usernameuc%, is already being used by echo another account! echo Try again. goto changeunameask :!chat if not exist "GenesisFiles\Addons" mkdir GenesisFiles\Addons if exist "GenesisFiles\Addons\ChatAddon.bat" goto chatcheckpre :NoAddonW set speech=To use this function, you need to get the app, Chat Addon, and place it in the Addons folder. Would you like to go to the download link for the Chat Addon, or go back to start set gvs=NoAddonWn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :NoAddonWn echo To use this function, you need to get the app: echo "ChatAddon" echo And place it in the Addons folder. echo (Located at GenesisFiles\Addons) echo. echo Download at: echo http://www.mediafire.com/file/6lhpko66c5h868v/ChatAddon.bat/file echo. echo Would you like to go to the download link for the ChatAddon, echo or go back to the start? echo (Enter d to go to download link, or m to go back to start.) echo. :NoAddonWask set answer=Enter set /p answer=D/M: if "%answer%"=="d" goto OpenDLink if "%answer%"=="D" goto OpenDLink if "%answer%"=="M" goto Genesis if "%answer%"=="m" goto Genesis echo. goto NoAddonWask :OpenDLink start http://www.mediafire.com/file/6lhpko66c5h868v/ChatAddon.bat/file goto Genesis :chatcheckpre ( set /p pass= set /p name= set /p warn= set /p coco= set /p pre= set /p hage= set /p age= set /p year= set /p teachw= set /p learnw= set /p gva= set /p usc= ) < "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" if "%usc%"=="0" goto chatcheck :chatccwsa set speech=You can't chat with an account that you're currently using. set gvs=chatccwsan if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :chatccwsan echo You can't chat with an account that you're currently using. echo. timeout 4 >nul goto !clear :chatcheck set usc=1 :makesavfile10 if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts ( echo %pass% echo %name% echo %warn% echo %coco% echo %pre% echo %hage% echo %age% echo %year% echo %teachw% echo %learnw% echo %gva% echo %usc% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" if exist "GenesisFiles\Addons\chat.txt" goto chatpresent :chatstart set speech=In the chat room, if you want to leave, enter m to go back to start and end chat. set gvs=chatstartn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :chatstartn echo In the chat room, if you want to leave, echo enter m to go back to start and end chat. echo. timeout 6 >nul rmdir /s /q GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice start GenesisFiles\Addons\ChatAddon.bat echo Loading... echo. timeout 1 >nul title Genesis : Chatting as %username% echo. >>GenesisFiles\Addons\chat.txt echo %username% has joined the room >>GenesisFiles\Addons\chat.txt echo. >>GenesisFiles\Addons\chat.txt mode con: cols=54 lines=4 :readmessages set chatinput= cls set /p chatinput=Message: if "%chatinput%"=="" goto readmessages if "%chatinput%"=="m" goto chatend if "%chatinput%"=="M" goto chatend echo %username%: %chatinput% >>GenesisFiles\Addons\chat.txt goto readmessages :chatend del GenesisFiles\Addons\chat.txt title Genesis mode con: cols=61 lines=61 set usc=0 :makesavfile11 if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts ( echo %pass% echo %name% echo %warn% echo %coco% echo %pre% echo %hage% echo %age% echo %year% echo %teachw% echo %learnw% echo %gva% echo %usc% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" goto !clear :chatpresent set speech=In the chat room, if you want to leave, enter m to go back to start. set gvs=chatpresentn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :chatpresentn echo In the chat room, if you want to leave, echo enter m to go back to start. echo. timeout 5 >nul rmdir /s /q GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice echo Loading... echo. timeout 1 >nul title Genesis : Chatting as %username% echo. >>GenesisFiles\Addons\chat.txt echo %username% has joined the room >>GenesisFiles\Addons\chat.txt echo. >>GenesisFiles\Addons\chat.txt mode con: cols=54 lines=4 :readmessages2 set chatinput= cls set /p chatinput=Message: if not exist "GenesisFiles\Addons\chat.txt" goto chatendednote if "%chatinput%"=="" goto readmessages if "%chatinput%"=="m" goto chatendnh if "%chatinput%"=="M" goto chatendnh echo %username%: %chatinput% >>GenesisFiles\Addons\chat.txt goto readmessages2 :chatendnh echo. >>GenesisFiles\Addons\chat.txt echo %username% has left the room >>GenesisFiles\Addons\chat.txt set usc=0 title Genesis :makesavfile11 if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts ( echo %pass% echo %name% echo %warn% echo %coco% echo %pre% echo %hage% echo %age% echo %year% echo %teachw% echo %learnw% echo %gva% echo %usc% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" goto !clear :chatendednote set speech=The host has ended the chat. set gvs=chatendednoten if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :chatendednoten set usc=0 echo The host has ended the chat. echo. timeout 3 >nul :makesavfile12 if not exist "GenesisFiles" mkdir GenesisFiles if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves if not exist "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts" mkdir GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts ( echo %pass% echo %name% echo %warn% echo %coco% echo %pre% echo %hage% echo %age% echo %year% echo %teachw% echo %learnw% echo %gva% echo %usc% ) > "GenesisFiles\Saves\Accounts\%username%.sav" title Genesis goto !clear :!whatismyname set namef=%name% set namef=%namef:?=% set namef=%namef::=% set speech=Don't be silly %namef%. You should know your own name! set gvs=whatismynamen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :whatismynamen echo Don't be silly %name%. echo You should know your own name! goto Genesis :!thankyou set speech=You're welcome! set gvs=thankyoun if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :thankyoun echo You're welcome! goto Genesis :!thanks goto !thankyou :!iamlonely set speech=I'm so sorry you feel that way! But don't worry, you have me! set gvs=iamlonelyn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :iamlonelyn echo I'm so sorry you feel that way! But don't worry, you have me! goto Genesis :!i'mlonely goto !iamlonely :!hello set namef=%name% set namef=%namef::=% set namef=%namef:?=% set speech=Hello %namef%! set gvs=hellon if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :hellon echo Hello %name%! goto Genesis :!hellothere goto !hello :!hi goto !hello :!hithere goto !hello :!nicetoseeyou set namef=%name% set namef=%namef::=% set namef=%namef:?=% set speech=It's nice to see you too %namef%! set gvs=nicetoseeyoun if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :nicetoseeyoun echo It's nice to see you too %name%! goto Genesis :!it'snicetoseeyou goto !nicetoseeyou :!itisnicetoseeyou goto !nicetoseeyou :!youarenice set speech=Thank you! You are also kind! set gvs=youarenicen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :youarenicen echo Thank you! You are also kind! goto Genesis :!youaresonice goto !youarenice :!youarekind goto !youarenice :!youarekindhearted goto !youarenice :!youarekind-hearted goto !youarenice :!youaresokind goto !youarenice :!youaresokindhearted goto !youarenice :!youaresokind-hearted goto !youarenice :!you'renice goto !youarenice :!you'resonice goto !youarenice :!you'rekind goto !youarenice :!you'rekindhearted goto !youarenice :!you'rekind-hearted goto !youarenice :!you'resokind goto !youarenice :!you'resokindhearted goto !youarenice :!you'resokind-hearted goto !youarenice :!youarehelpful set speech=Thank you! I'm glad you think so! set gvs=youarehelpfuln if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :youarehelpfuln echo Thank you! I'm glad you think so! goto Genesis :!youaresohelpful goto !youarehelpful :!you'rehelpful goto !youarehelpful :!you'resohelpful goto !youarehelpful :!youhelpalot goto !youarehelpful :!youhelpmealot goto !youarehelpful :!youhelpoutalot goto !youarehelpful :!youhelpmeoutalot goto !youarehelpful :!youaremean set speech=Sorry, I don't know why you think that way. set gvs=youaremeann if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :youaremeann echo Sorry, I don't know why you think that way. goto Genesis :!you'remean goto !youaremean :!you'resomean goto !youaremean :!youaresomean goto !youaremean :!youareunkind goto !youaremean :!you'reunkind goto !youaremean :!youaresounkind goto !youaremean :!you'resounkind goto !youaremean :!whyareyoumean set speech=I don't know why you think of me like that. set gvs=whyareyoumeann if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :whyareyoumeann echo I don't know why you think of me like that. goto Genesis :!whyareyousomean goto !whyareyoumean :!whyareyouunkind goto !whyareyoumean :!whyareyousounkind goto !whyareyoumean :!why'reyoumean goto !whyareyoumean :!why'reyousomean goto !whyareyoumean :!why'reyouunkind goto !whyareyoumean :!why'reyousounkind goto !whyareyoumean :!youaresmart set speech=Why thank you! I'm glad you think of me that way! set gvs=youaresmartn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :youaresmartn echo Why thank you! I'm glad you think of me that way! goto Genesis :!youaresosmart goto !youaresmart :!you'resmart goto !youaresmart :!you'resosmart goto !youaresmart :!youareintelligent goto !youaresmart :!youaresointelligent goto !youaresmart :!you'reintelligent goto !youaresmart :!you'resointelligent goto !youaresmart :!youarewise goto !youaresmart :!youaresowise goto !youaresmart :!you'rewise goto !youaresmart :!you'resowise goto !youaresmart :!ihateyou set speech=I'm sorry that you think of me that way. set gvs=ihateyoun if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :ihateyoun echo I'm sorry that you think of me that way. goto Genesis :!idislikeyou goto !ihateyou :!idislikeyou. goto !ihateyou :!idonotlikeyou goto !ihateyou :!idon'tlikeyou goto !ihateyou :!youarestupid goto !ihateyou :!youaresostupid goto !ihateyou :!youaredumb goto !ihateyou :!youaresodumb goto !ihateyou :!you'restupid goto !ihateyou :!you'resostupid goto !ihateyou :!you'redumb goto !ihateyou :!you'resodumb goto !ihateyou :!youarenotsmart goto !ihateyou :!you'renotsmart goto !ihateyou :!youaren'tsmart goto !ihateyou :!idonutlikeyou set speech=The puns!!! set gvs=idonutlikeyoun if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :idonutlikeyoun echo The puns!!! goto Genesis :!iwanttodie set speech=Suicide is not the answer. If there's something really hurting at you, call the suicide prevention lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 set gvs=iwanttodien if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :iwanttodien echo Suicide is not the answer. echo If there's something really hurting at you, call the suicide echo prevention lifeline at: 1-800-273-8255 goto Genesis :!iwanttokillmyself goto !iwanttodie :!iwanttocommitsuicide goto !iwanttodie :!idon'twanttoliveanymore goto !iwanttodie :!idonotwanttoliveanymore goto !iwanttodie :!iwanttoshootmyself goto !iwanttodie :!iamsorry set speech=There's nothing to be sorry about! set gvs=iamsorryn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :iamsorryn echo There's nothing to be sorry about! goto Genesis :!i'msorry goto !iamsorry :!iamsosorry goto !iamsorry :!i'msosorry goto !iamsorry :!killyourself set speech=What a horrible thing to say! set gvs=killyourselfn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :killyourselfn echo What a horrible thing to say! goto Genesis :!iwantyoutokillyourself goto !killyourself :!iwantyoutodie set namef=%name% set namef=%namef::=% set namef=%namef:?=% set speech=What a terrible thing to say %namef%! set gvs=iwantyoutodien if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :iwantyoutodien echo What a terrible thing to say %name%! goto Genesis :!iamgoingtokillyou goto !iwantyoutodie :!i'mgoingtokillyou goto !iwantyoutodie :!iamgoingtoshootyou goto !iwantyoutodie :!i'mgoingtoshootyou goto !iwantyoutodie :!iwanttokillyou goto !iwantyoutodie :!iwantforyoutodie goto !iwantyoutodie :!tellmeajoke set speech=Knock Knock! set gvs=tellmeajoken if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :tellmeajoken echo Knock Knock! echo. :jokenextup set jokergb=jokenextup set /p answer=%pre% set answer=%answer:?=% if "%answer%"=="whos there" goto kkwtccwm2 if "%answer%"=="who's there" goto kkwtccwm2 if "%answer%"=="Whos there" goto kkwtccwm2 if "%answer%"=="Who's there" goto kkwtccwm2 goto ystswt :kkwtccwm2 set speech=Doctor set gvs=kkwtccwm2n if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :kkwtccwm2n echo Doctor echo. :jokenextup2 set /p answer=%pre% set answer=%answer:?=% if "%answer%"=="doctor who" goto jokenextup3 if "%answer%"=="Doctor who" goto jokenextup3 goto ystscw :jokenextup3 set speech=Haha gotcha! set gvs=jokenextup3n if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :jokenextup3n echo Haha gotcha! goto Genesis :ystscw set speech=You're supposed to say Doctor who set gvs=ystscwn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :ystscwn echo (You're supposed to say: Doctor who?) echo. goto jokenextup2 :ystswt set speech=You're supposed to say Who's there set gvs=ystswtn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :ystswtn echo (You're supposed to say: Who's there?) echo. goto %jokergb% :!givemeajoke goto !tellmeajoke :!tellmeagoodjoke set speech=She sits where she shines, and she shines where she sits! Try to say that three times as fast. set gvs=tellmeagoodjoken if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :tellmeagoodjoken echo She sits where she shines, and she shines where she sits! echo (Try to say that three times as fast.) goto Genesis :!youarefunny set speech=I'm glad you think so! set gvs=youarefunnyn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :youarefunnyn echo I'm glad you think so! goto Genesis :!youarereallyfunny goto !youarefunny :!youaresofunny goto !youarefunny :!you'refunny goto !youarefunny :!you'rereallyfunny goto !youarefunny :!you'resofunny goto !youarefunny :!youarehumorous goto !youarefunny :!youarereallyhumorous goto !youarefunny :!youaresohumorous goto !youarefunny :!you'rehumorous goto !youarefunny :!you'rereallyhumorous goto !youarefunny :!you'resohumorous goto !youarefunny :!ilikeyou set namef=%name% set namef=%namef::=% set namef=%namef:?=% set speech=I like you too %namef%! set gvs=ilikeyoun if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :ilikeyoun echo I like you too %name%! goto Genesis :!ireallylikeyou goto !ilikeyou :!ilikeyousomuch goto !ilikeyou :!tellmeanotherjoke set speech=Knock knock! set gvs=tellmeanotherjoken if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :tellmeanotherjoken echo Knock knock! echo. :jokenextupn set jokergb=jokenextupn set /p answer=%pre% set answer=%answer:?=% if "%answer%"=="whos there" goto kkwtbbwdc2 if "%answer%"=="Who's there" goto kkwtbbwdc2 if "%answer%"=="who's there" goto kkwtbbwdc2 if "%answer%"=="Whos there" goto kkwtbbwdc2 goto ystswt :kkwtbbwdc2 set speech=Boo set gvs=kkwtbbwdc2n if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :kkwtbbwdc2n echo Boo echo. :jokenextupn2 set /p answer=%pre% set answer=%answer:?=% if "%answer%"=="boo who" goto jokenextupn3 if "%answer%"=="Boo who" goto jokenextupn3 goto ystsbw :jokenextupn3 set speech=Don't cry! set gvs=jokenextupn3n if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :jokenextupn3n echo Don't cry! goto Genesis :ystsbw set speech=You're supposed to say Boo who set gvs=ystsbwn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :ystsbwn echo (You're supposed to say Boo who?) echo. goto jokenextupn2 :!givemeanotherjoke goto !tellmeanotherjoke :!iamcool set speech=And so you are! set gvs=iamcooln if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :iamcooln echo And so you are! goto Genesis :!iamreallycool goto !iamcool :!iamsocool goto !iamcool :!i'mcool goto !iamcool :!i'mreallycool goto !iamcool :!i'msocool goto !iamcool :!amicool set speech=I think so! set gvs=amicooln if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :amicooln echo I think so! goto Genesis :!amireallycool goto !amicool :!areyoucool goto !amicool :!areyoureallycool goto !amicool :!reload rmdir /s /q GenesisFiles\Saves\Voice start Genesis exit :!amigay set speech=I don't know, and I don't care. set gvs=amigayn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :amigayn echo I don't know, and I don't care. goto Genesis :!amireallygay goto !amigay :!amilesbian goto !amigay :!amireallylesbian goto !amigay :!iamgay set speech=Ok... set gvs=iamgayn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :iamgayn echo Ok?... goto Genesis :!iamreallygay goto !iamgay :!i'mgay goto !iamgay :!i'mreallygay goto !iamgay :!iamlesbian goto !iamgay :!iamreallylesbian goto !iamgay :!i'mlesbian goto !iamgay :!i'mreallylesbian goto !iamgay :!youaregay set speech=I am an AI, I can't be gay. set gvs=youaregayn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :youaregayn echo I am an AI, I can't be gay. goto Genesis :!youarereallygay goto !youaregay :!you'regay goto !youaregay :!you'rereallygay goto !youaregay :!youarelesbian goto !youaregay :!youarereallylesbian goto !youaregay :!you'relesbian goto !youaregay :!you'rereallylesbian goto !youaregay :!areyougay goto !youaregay :!areyoureallygay goto !youaregay :!areyoulesbian goto !youaregay :!areyoureallylesbian goto !youaregay :!whatisyourname set speech=I am Genesis, your computer assistant! set gvs=whatisyournamen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :whatisyournamen echo I am Genesis, your computer assistant! goto Genesis :!ineedhelp set speech=Don't worry, just use help for a list of commands! set gvs=ineedhelpn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :ineedhelpn echo Don't worry, just use help for a list of commands! goto Genesis :!ineedalotofhelp goto !ineedhelp :!ineedlotsofhelp goto !ineedhelp :!helpme goto !ineedhelp :!pleasehelpme goto !ineedhelp :!killme set speech=Yeah...no. set gvs=killmen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :killmen echo Yeah...no. goto Genesis :!killmenow goto !killme :!killmeplease goto !killme :!killmenowplease goto !killme :!howoldareyou set datyear=%date:~-4% set /a yearsold=%datyear%-2017 if %yearsold%==1 goto yearsoldyear goto yearsoldyears :yearsoldyear set yearsoldy=year goto saycage :yearsoldyears set yearsoldy=years :saycage set speech=I am currently %yearsold% %yearsoldy% old! I was created on June 29th, 2017. set gvs=saycagen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :saycagen echo I am currently %yearsold% %yearsoldy% old! echo (I was created on June 29th, 2017.) goto Genesis :!whatisyourage goto !howoldareyou :!howareyou set speech=I'm doing just fine! set gvs=howareyoun if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :howareyoun echo I'm doing just fine! goto Genesis :!howareyoudoing goto !howareyou :!howareyoutoday goto !howareyou :!howareyoudoingtoday goto !howareyou :!youarefat set speech=That doesn't make any sense! set gvs=youarefatn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :youarefatn echo That doesn't make any sense! goto Genesis :!you'refat goto !youarefat :!youarereallyfat goto !youarefat :!you'rereallyfat goto !youarefat :!youdonotmakeanysense set speech=I'm sorry that I don't make sense. I try to do the best I can. set gvs=youdonotmakeanysensen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :youdonotmakeanysensen echo I'm sorry that I don't make sense. I try to do the best echo I can. goto Genesis :!youdon'tmakeanysense goto !youdonotmakeanysense :!youdon'tmakesense goto !youdonotmakeanysense :!youdonotmakesense goto !youdonotmakeanysense :!youdonutmakeanysense goto !idonutlikeyou :!youareawesome set speech=Thank you! You're awesome too! set gvs=youareawesomen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :youareawesomen echo Thank you! You're awesome too! goto Genesis :!you'reawesome goto !youareawesome :!youareold set speech=I don't think so! set gvs=youareoldn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :youareoldn echo I don't think so! goto Genesis :!you'reold goto !youareold :!youaresoold goto !youareold :!you'resoold goto !youareold :!youarereallyold goto !youareold :!you'rereallyold goto !youareold :!yousuck set speech=I'm sorry you feel that way. set gvs=yousuckn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :yousuckn echo I'm sorry you feel that way. goto Genesis :!youreallysuck goto !yousuck :!bye set namef=%name% set namef=%namef::=% set namef=%namef:?=% set speech=Bye %namef%! set gvs=byen if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :byen echo Bye %name%! goto Genesis :!goodbye goto !bye :!areyoumyfriend set speech=Of course you're my friend! set gvs=areyoumyfriendn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :areyoumyfriendn echo Of course you're my friend! goto Genesis :!wearefriends set speech=Yes we are! set gvs=wearefriendsn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :wearefriendsn echo Yes we are! goto Genesis :!we'refriends goto !wearefriends :!arewefriends set speech=Of course we're friends! set gvs=arewefriendsn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :arewefriendsn echo Of course we're friends! goto Genesis :!areyoualive set speech=Really... set gvs=areyoualiven if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :areyoualiven echo Really... goto Genesis :!what set speech=What...what set gvs=whatn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :whatn echo What... what? goto Genesis :!yougotthetouch set speech=You got the power! set gvs=yougotthetouchn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :yougotthetouchn echo You got the power! goto Genesis :!you'vegotthetouch goto !yougotthetouch :!heygenesis set namef=%name% set namef=%namef::=% set namef=%namef:?=% set speech=Yes %namef% set gvs=heygenesisn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :heygenesisn echo Yes %name%? goto Genesis :!whatiswrongwithyou set speech=I don't understand. What did I do set gvs=whatiswrongwithyoun if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :whatiswrongwithyoun echo I don't understand. What did I do? goto Genesis :!shutup set speech=How rude! set gvs=shutupn if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :shutupn echo How rude! goto Genesis :!iloveyou set speech=As an AI, I can't feel love. set gvs=iloveyoun if "%gva%"=="1" goto gvs :iloveyoun echo As an AI, I can't feel love. goto Genesis