@echo off :registerorlogin cls echo. echo Gmail With BATCH echo made by m.Ibrahim Tahir echo. echo Register or Login echo. echo Enter "R" to register or "L" to login. pause color 04 echo. echo Warning!You must register before logging in. echo. color %color% set /p rl=Write here: color 01 if %rl% equ R goto Register if %rl% equ L goto Login if %rl% neq R goto registerorlogin :Register cls echo. echo Register echo. echo Enter your details. echo. set /p email=Email: set /p fname=First Name: set /p lname=Last Name: echo Enter "GP" to generate a random password echo or any other word if not. set /p genp=Generate Password: if %genp% equ GP goto generatep if %genp% neq GP goto cp :generatep cls echo. echo Generate Password. echo. echo Generating Password...... echo. pause set password=%random%%fname%%random%%lname%%random% echo %password% echo. echo Password Generated echo. pause goto login :cp set /p password=Password: set /p cpassword=Confirm Password: if %password% equ %cpassword% goto login if %password% neq %cpassword% goto notsame :notsame cls echo. echo Confirm Password and Password are not the same! echo. echo Exiting........ echo. pause exit :login cls echo. echo Login echo. echo Enter the following details. echo. set /p e=Email: if %e% equ %email% goto pp if %e% neq %email% goto notsame2 :pp set /p p=Password: if %p% equ %password% goto menu if %p% neq %password% goto notsame3 :notsame2 cls echo. echo Email not correct! echo. echo Exiting......... echo. pause exit :notsame3 cls echo. echo Password not correct! echo. echo Exiting......... echo. pause exit :menu color %color% cls echo. echo Gmail Menu %email% echo Welcome! %fname% %lname% echo. echo Send Messages(sm) echo. echo Options(op) echo. echo Restart(rs) echo. echo Help(he) echo. echo Exit(ex) echo. echo Enter the words in the brackets to use a command. echo. set /p choose=Write Here: if %choose% equ sm goto sm if %choose% equ op goto op if %choose% equ rs goto rs if %choose% equ he goto he if %choose% equ ex exit if %choose% neq sm goto menu :sm cls echo. echo Send Messages echo. echo Enter the following details in order to send messages. echo. echo Enter the user ip. echo. set /p n=Ip: echo. echo Enter the message. echo. set /p m=Message: net send %n% %m% 2>nul||echo Your message did not go through && pause pause goto menu :op cls echo. echo Options echo. echo Color(col) echo. echo Music(mus) echo. echo Go to Menu(men) echo. echo Enter the words in the brackets to use a command. echo. set /p opt=Write Here: if %opt% equ col goto col if %opt% equ mus goto mus if %opt% equ men goto menu if %opt% neq col goto op :col color %color% cls echo. echo Color echo. echo Choose any color!By writing echo. echo from 0 to 9.You can also echo. echo change the backgroung color echo. echo by writing any letter from echo. echo a to z.You can also mix colors! echo. color 04 echo Warning!Dont write anything which is echo. echo not a color.It may cause malfunctions. echo. color 01 color %color% set /p color=Write the color here: echo. echo Color set! echo. pause echo. echo Redirecting to options...... echo. pause goto op :mus cls echo. echo Music echo. echo Choose the type of music file you want to open.Example ".mp3". echo. set /p m=Write Here: echo. echo Write the name of the music file. echo. set /p n=Write here: echo. start %n%%m% pause goto menu :rs cls echo. echo Restart echo. echo Are you sure you want to restart? echo. echo Enter "sure" if sure and "no" if not. echo. set /p r=Write Here: if %r% equ sure goto r if %r% equ no goto op if %r% neq sure goto rs :r cls start Gmail.bat exit :he cls echo. echo Help echo. echo To get a user ip open the command line interface. echo. echo Write "ipconfig" as soon as it opens. echo. echo If it does not work you need to enable messanger. echo. echo To enable messanger go to the control panel in the start menu echo. echo and click on Programs. echo. echo There you can enable messanger. echo. pause goto menu