package grid_wise; /** * * @author Ghspl-Medtech */ import; import java.nio.file.CopyOption; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import static stitching.CommonFunctions.addHyperLinkListener; import fiji.stacks.Hyperstack_rearranger; import ij.CompositeImage; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.WindowManager; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.gui.MultiLineLabel; import; import ij.plugin.PlugIn; import java.awt.Image; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import mpicbg.imglib.interpolation.InterpolatorFactory; import mpicbg.imglib.interpolation.linear.LinearInterpolatorFactory; import mpicbg.imglib.interpolation.nearestneighbor.NearestNeighborInterpolatorFactory; import mpicbg.imglib.multithreading.SimpleMultiThreading; import mpicbg.imglib.outofbounds.OutOfBoundsStrategyValueFactory; import mpicbg.imglib.type.numeric.RealType; import mpicbg.imglib.type.numeric.integer.UnsignedByteType; import mpicbg.imglib.type.numeric.integer.UnsignedShortType; import mpicbg.imglib.type.numeric.real.FloatType; import mpicbg.imglib.util.Util; import mpicbg.models.InvertibleBoundable; import mpicbg.models.Model; import mpicbg.models.TranslationModel2D; import mpicbg.models.TranslationModel3D; import mpicbg.stitching.ComparePair; import mpicbg.stitching.GlobalOptimization; import mpicbg.stitching.ImagePlusTimePoint; import mpicbg.stitching.PairWiseStitchingImgLib; import mpicbg.stitching.PairWiseStitchingResult; import mpicbg.stitching.StitchingParameters; import mpicbg.stitching.fusion.Fusion; import mpicbg.stitching.fusion.OverlayFusion; import stitching.CommonFunctions; import; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import org.python.core.util.FileUtil; public class Grid_wise implements PlugIn { final private String myURL = ""; final private String paperURL = ""; public static int defaultImg1 = 0; public static int defaultImg2 = 1; public static int defaultChannel1 = 0; public static int defaultChannel2 = 0; public static int defaultTimeSelect = 1; public static boolean defaultFuseImages = true; public static int defaultFusionMethod = 0; public static boolean defaultComputeOverlap = true; public static boolean defaultSubpixelAccuracy = true; public static int defaultCheckPeaks = 5; public static double defaultxOffset = 0, defaultyOffset = 0, defaultzOffset = 0; public static boolean[] defaultHandleChannel1 = null; public static boolean[] defaultHandleChannel2 = null; public static int defaultMemorySpeedChoice = 0; public static double defaultDisplacementThresholdRelative = 2.5; public static double defaultDisplacementThresholdAbsolute = 3.5; public static int j=0; public static String ur; public static int flag=0; public static FileSaver f1; @Override public void run( final String arg0 ) { // get list of image stacks final int[] idList = WindowManager.getIDList(); if ( idList == null || idList.length < 2 ) { IJ.error( "You need at least two open images." ); return; } final String[] imgList = new String[ idList.length ]; for ( int i = 0; i < idList.length; ++i ) imgList[ i ] = WindowManager.getImage(idList[i]).getTitle(); /** * The first dialog for choosing the images */ final GenericDialog gd1 = new GenericDialog( "Paiwise Stitching of Images" ); if ( defaultImg1 >= imgList.length || defaultImg2 >= imgList.length ) { defaultImg1 = 0; defaultImg2 = 1; } gd1.addChoice("First_image (reference)", imgList, imgList[ defaultImg1 ] ); gd1.addChoice("Second_image (to register)", imgList, imgList[ defaultImg2 ] ); gd1.addMessage( "Please note that the Stitching is based on a publication.\n" + "If you use it successfully for your research please be so kind to cite our work:\n" + "Preibisch et al., Bioinformatics (2009), 25(11):1463-1465\n" ); MultiLineLabel text = (MultiLineLabel) gd1.getMessage(); addHyperLinkListener( text, paperURL ); gd1.showDialog(); if ( gd1.wasCanceled() ) return; ImagePlus imp1 = WindowManager.getImage( idList[ defaultImg1 = gd1.getNextChoiceIndex() ] ); ImagePlus imp2 = WindowManager.getImage( idList[ defaultImg2 = gd1.getNextChoiceIndex() ] ); // if one of the images is rgb or 8-bit color convert them to hyperstack imp1 = Hyperstack_rearranger.convertToHyperStack( imp1 ); imp2 = Hyperstack_rearranger.convertToHyperStack( imp2 ); // test if the images are compatible String error = testRegistrationCompatibility( imp1, imp2 ); if ( error != null ) { IJ.error( error ); return; } // the dimensionality final int dimensionality; if ( imp1.getNSlices() > 1 || imp2.getNSlices() > 1 ) dimensionality = 3; else dimensionality = 2; // create channel selector final int numChannels1 = imp1.getNChannels(); final int numChannels2 = imp2.getNChannels(); final String[] channels1 = new String[ numChannels1 + 1 ]; final String[] channels2 = new String[ numChannels2 + 1 ]; channels1[ 0 ] = "Average all channels"; for ( int c = 1; c < channels1.length; ++c ) channels1[ c ] = "Only channel " + c; channels2[ 0 ] = "Average all channels"; for ( int c = 1; c < channels2.length; ++c ) channels2[ c ] = "Only channel " + c; if ( defaultChannel1 >= channels1.length ) defaultChannel1 = 0; if ( defaultChannel2 >= channels2.length ) defaultChannel2 = 0; // which fusion methods are available String[] fusionMethodList; final boolean simpleFusion; if ( imp1.getNChannels() != imp2.getNChannels() ) { fusionMethodList = CommonFunctions.fusionMethodListSimple; simpleFusion = true; } else { fusionMethodList = CommonFunctions.fusionMethodList; simpleFusion = false; } if ( defaultFusionMethod >= fusionMethodList.length ) defaultFusionMethod = 0; /** * Show the next dialog */ final GenericDialog gd2 = new GenericDialog( "Paiwise Stitching" ); gd2.addChoice("Fusion_method", fusionMethodList, fusionMethodList[ defaultFusionMethod ] ); gd2.addStringField("Fused_image name: ", imp1.getTitle() + "<->" + imp2.getTitle(), 20 ); gd2.addSlider("Check_peaks", 1, 100, defaultCheckPeaks ); gd2.addCheckbox("Compute_overlap", defaultComputeOverlap ); gd2.addCheckbox("Subpixel_accuracy", defaultSubpixelAccuracy ); gd2.addNumericField("x", defaultxOffset, 4 ); gd2.addNumericField("y", defaultyOffset, 4 ); if ( dimensionality == 3 ) gd2.addNumericField("z", defaultzOffset, 4 ); gd2.addChoice( "Registration_channel_image_1 ", channels1, channels1[ defaultChannel1 ] ); gd2.addChoice( "Registration_channel_image_2 ", channels2, channels2[ defaultChannel2 ] ); if ( imp1.getNFrames() > 1 ) gd2.addChoice( "Time-lapse_registration", CommonFunctions.timeSelect, CommonFunctions.timeSelect[ defaultTimeSelect ] ); gd2.addMessage( "" ); gd2.addMessage( "This Plugin is developed by Stephan Preibisch\n" + myURL ); text = (MultiLineLabel) gd2.getMessage(); addHyperLinkListener( text, myURL ); gd2.showDialog(); if ( gd2.wasCanceled() ) return; final StitchingParameters params = new StitchingParameters(); params.dimensionality = dimensionality; if ( simpleFusion ) // params.fusionMethod = defaultFusionMethod = gd2.getNextChoiceIndex() + ( CommonFunctions.fusionMethodList.length - CommonFunctions.fusionMethodListSimple.length ); else params.fusionMethod = defaultFusionMethod = gd2.getNextChoiceIndex(); params.fusedName = gd2.getNextText(); params.checkPeaks = defaultCheckPeaks = (int)Math.round( gd2.getNextNumber() ); params.computeOverlap = defaultComputeOverlap = gd2.getNextBoolean(); params.subpixelAccuracy = defaultSubpixelAccuracy = gd2.getNextBoolean(); params.xOffset = defaultxOffset = gd2.getNextNumber(); params.yOffset = defaultyOffset = gd2.getNextNumber(); if ( dimensionality == 3 ) params.zOffset = defaultzOffset = gd2.getNextNumber(); else params.zOffset = 0; params.channel1 = defaultChannel1 = gd2.getNextChoiceIndex(); params.channel2 = defaultChannel2 = gd2.getNextChoiceIndex(); // if there is only one channel we do not need to average if ( channels1.length == 2 ) params.channel1 = 1; // if there is only one channel we do not need to average if ( channels2.length == 2 ) params.channel2 = 1; if ( imp1.getNFrames() > 1 ) params.timeSelect = defaultTimeSelect = gd2.getNextChoiceIndex(); else params.timeSelect = 0; if ( !params.computeOverlap && params.timeSelect > 0 ) { IJ.log( "WARNING: You chose to not compute overlap, ignoring the option '" + CommonFunctions.timeSelect[ params.timeSelect ] + "'!" ); params.timeSelect = defaultTimeSelect = 0; IJ.log( "WARNING: Instead we will '" + CommonFunctions.timeSelect[ params.timeSelect ] + "'" ); } if ( params.timeSelect > 0 ) { GenericDialog gd3 = new GenericDialog( "Details for timelapse stitching" ); gd3.addChoice( "Computation parameters", CommonFunctions.cpuMemSelect, CommonFunctions.cpuMemSelect[ defaultMemorySpeedChoice ] ); //gd3.addNumericField( "Regression_Threshold", defaultRegressionThreshold, 2 ); gd3.addNumericField( "Max/Avg Displacement Threshold", defaultDisplacementThresholdRelative, 2 ); gd3.addNumericField( "Absolute Avg Displacement Threshold", defaultDisplacementThresholdAbsolute, 2 ); gd3.showDialog(); if ( gd3.wasCanceled() ) return; params.cpuMemChoice = defaultMemorySpeedChoice = gd3.getNextChoiceIndex(); //params.regThreshold = defaultRegressionThreshold = gd3.getNextNumber(); params.relativeThreshold = defaultDisplacementThresholdRelative = gd3.getNextNumber(); params.absoluteThreshold = defaultDisplacementThresholdAbsolute = gd3.getNextNumber(); } // compute and fuse performPairWiseStitching( imp1, imp2, params ); } public static void performPairWiseStitching( final ImagePlus imp1, final ImagePlus imp2, final StitchingParameters params ) { final ArrayList models = new ArrayList< InvertibleBoundable >(); // the simplest case, only one registration necessary if ( imp1.getNFrames() == 1 || params.timeSelect == 0 ) { // compute the stitching long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); final PairWiseStitchingResult result; if ( params.computeOverlap ) { result = PairWiseStitchingImgLib.stitchPairwise( imp1, imp2, imp1.getRoi(), imp2.getRoi(), 1, 1, params ); IJ.log( "shift (second relative to first): " + Util.printCoordinates( result.getOffset() ) + " correlation (R)=" + result.getCrossCorrelation() + " (" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms)"); // update the dialog to show the numbers next time defaultxOffset = result.getOffset( 0 ); defaultyOffset = result.getOffset( 1 ); if ( params.dimensionality == 3 ) defaultzOffset = result.getOffset( 2 ); } else { final float[] offset; if ( params.dimensionality == 2 ) { if ( params.subpixelAccuracy ) offset = new float[] { (float)params.xOffset, (float)params.yOffset }; else offset = new float[] { Math.round( (float)params.xOffset ), Math.round( (float)params.yOffset ) }; } else { if ( params.subpixelAccuracy ) offset = new float[] { (float)params.xOffset, (float)params.yOffset, (float)params.zOffset }; else offset = new float[] { Math.round( (float)params.xOffset ), Math.round( (float)params.yOffset ), Math.round( (float)params.zOffset ) }; } result = new PairWiseStitchingResult( offset, 0.0f, 0.0f ); IJ.log( "shift (second relative to first): " + Util.printCoordinates( result.getOffset() ) + " (from dialog)"); } for ( int f = 1; f <= imp1.getNFrames(); ++f ) { if ( params.dimensionality == 2 ) { TranslationModel2D model1 = new TranslationModel2D(); TranslationModel2D model2 = new TranslationModel2D(); model2.set( result.getOffset( 0 ), result.getOffset( 1 ) ); models.add( model1 ); models.add( model2 ); } else { TranslationModel3D model1 = new TranslationModel3D(); TranslationModel3D model2 = new TranslationModel3D(); model2.set( result.getOffset( 0 ), result.getOffset( 1 ), result.getOffset( 2 ) ); models.add( model1 ); models.add( model2 ); } } } else { // get all that we have to compare final Vector< ComparePair > pairs = getComparePairs( imp1, imp2, params.dimensionality, params.timeSelect ); // compute all compare pairs // compute all matchings final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final int numThreads; if ( params.cpuMemChoice == 0 ) numThreads = 1; else numThreads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); final Thread[] threads = SimpleMultiThreading.newThreads( numThreads ); for ( int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ++ithread ) threads[ ithread ] = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { final int myNumber = ai.getAndIncrement(); for ( int i = 0; i < pairs.size(); i++ ) { if ( i % numThreads == myNumber ) { final ComparePair pair = pairs.get( i ); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); final PairWiseStitchingResult result = PairWiseStitchingImgLib.stitchPairwise( pair.getImagePlus1(), pair.getImagePlus2(), pair.getImagePlus1().getRoi(), pair.getImagePlus2().getRoi(), pair.getTimePoint1(), pair.getTimePoint2(), params ); if ( params.dimensionality == 2 ) pair.setRelativeShift( new float[]{ result.getOffset( 0 ), result.getOffset( 1 ) } ); else pair.setRelativeShift( new float[]{ result.getOffset( 0 ), result.getOffset( 1 ), result.getOffset( 2 ) } ); pair.setCrossCorrelation( result.getCrossCorrelation() ); IJ.log( pair.getImagePlus1().getTitle() + "[" + pair.getTimePoint1() + "]" + " <- " + pair.getImagePlus2().getTitle() + "[" + pair.getTimePoint2() + "]" + ": " + Util.printCoordinates( result.getOffset() ) + " correlation (R)=" + result.getCrossCorrelation() + " (" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms)"); } } } }); SimpleMultiThreading.startAndJoin( threads ); // get the final positions of all tiles final ArrayList< ImagePlusTimePoint > optimized = GlobalOptimization.optimize( pairs, pairs.get( 0 ).getTile1(), params ); for ( int f = 0; f < imp1.getNFrames(); ++f ) { IJ.log ( optimized.get( f*2 ).getImagePlus().getTitle() + "["+ optimized.get( f*2 ).getImpId() + "," + optimized.get( f*2 ).getTimePoint() + "]: " + optimized.get( f*2 ).getModel() ); IJ.log ( optimized.get( f*2 + 1 ).getImagePlus().getTitle() + "["+ optimized.get( f*2 + 1 ).getImpId() + "," + optimized.get( f*2 + 1 ).getTimePoint() + "]: " + optimized.get( f*2 + 1 ).getModel() ); models.add( (InvertibleBoundable)optimized.get( f*2 ).getModel() ); models.add( (InvertibleBoundable)optimized.get( f*2 + 1 ).getModel() ); } } // now fuse IJ.log( "Fusing ..." ); final ImagePlus ci; final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ( imp1.getType() == ImagePlus.GRAY32 || imp2.getType() == ImagePlus.GRAY32 ) ci = fuse( new FloatType(), imp1, imp2, models, params ); else if ( imp1.getType() == ImagePlus.GRAY16 || imp2.getType() == ImagePlus.GRAY16 ) ci = fuse( new UnsignedShortType(), imp1, imp2, models, params ); else ci = fuse( new UnsignedByteType(), imp1, imp2, models, params ); if ( ci != null ) { ci.setTitle( params.fusedName ); //; Image img = ci.getImage(); BufferedImage iimg = (BufferedImage)img; try{ j++; ImageIO.write(iimg, "png", new File(ur+"\\saves\\immg"+j+".png")); } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } if(flag==100); } IJ.log( "Finished ... (" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms)"); } protected static < T extends RealType< T > > ImagePlus fuse( final T targetType, final ImagePlus imp1, final ImagePlus imp2, final ArrayList models, final StitchingParameters params ) { final ArrayList images = new ArrayList< ImagePlus >(); images.add( imp1 ); images.add( imp2 ); if ( params.fusionMethod < 5 ) { ImagePlus imp = Fusion.fuse( targetType, images, models, params.dimensionality, params.subpixelAccuracy, params.fusionMethod, null, false ); return imp; } else if ( params.fusionMethod == 5 ) // overlay { // images are always the same, we just trigger different timepoints final InterpolatorFactory< FloatType > factory; if ( params.subpixelAccuracy ) factory = new LinearInterpolatorFactory( new OutOfBoundsStrategyValueFactory() ); else factory = new NearestNeighborInterpolatorFactory( new OutOfBoundsStrategyValueFactory() ); // fuses the first timepoint but estimates the boundaries for all timepoints as it gets all models final CompositeImage timepoint0 = OverlayFusion.createOverlay( targetType, images, models, params.dimensionality, 1, factory ); if ( imp1.getNFrames() > 1 ) { final ImageStack stack = new ImageStack( timepoint0.getWidth(), timepoint0.getHeight() ); // add all slices of the first timepoint for ( int c = 1; c <= timepoint0.getStackSize(); ++c ) stack.addSlice( "", timepoint0.getStack().getProcessor( c ) ); //"Overlay into composite image" for ( int f = 2; f <= imp1.getNFrames(); ++f ) { final CompositeImage tmp = OverlayFusion.createOverlay( targetType, images, models, params.dimensionality, f, factory ); // add all slices of the first timepoint for ( int c = 1; c <= tmp.getStackSize(); ++c ) stack.addSlice( "", tmp.getStack().getProcessor( c ) ); } //convertXYZCT ... ImagePlus result = new ImagePlus( params.fusedName, stack ); // numchannels, z-slices, timepoints (but right now the order is still XYZCT) result.setDimensions( timepoint0.getNChannels(), timepoint0.getNSlices(), imp1.getNFrames() ); return new CompositeImage( result, CompositeImage.COMPOSITE ); } else { timepoint0.setTitle( params.fusedName ); return timepoint0; } } else { //"Do not fuse images" return null; } } protected static Vector< ComparePair > getComparePairs( final ImagePlus imp1, final ImagePlus imp2, final int dimensionality, final int timeSelect ) { final Model< ? > model; if ( dimensionality == 2 ) model = new TranslationModel2D(); else model = new TranslationModel3D(); final ArrayList< ImagePlusTimePoint > listImp1 = new ArrayList< ImagePlusTimePoint >(); final ArrayList< ImagePlusTimePoint > listImp2 = new ArrayList< ImagePlusTimePoint >(); for ( int timePoint1 = 1; timePoint1 <= imp1.getNFrames(); timePoint1++ ) listImp1.add( new ImagePlusTimePoint( imp1, 1, timePoint1, model.copy(), null ) ); for ( int timePoint2 = 1; timePoint2 <= imp2.getNFrames(); timePoint2++ ) listImp2.add( new ImagePlusTimePoint( imp2, 2, timePoint2, model.copy(), null ) ); final Vector< ComparePair > pairs = new Vector< ComparePair >(); // imp1 vs imp2 at all timepoints for ( int timePointA = 1; timePointA <= Math.min( imp1.getNFrames(), imp2.getNFrames() ); timePointA++ ) { ImagePlusTimePoint a = listImp1.get( timePointA - 1 ); ImagePlusTimePoint b = listImp2.get( timePointA - 1 ); pairs.add( new ComparePair( a, b ) ); } if ( timeSelect == 1 ) { // consequtively all timepoints of imp1 for ( int timePointA = 1; timePointA <= imp1.getNFrames() - 1; timePointA++ ) pairs.add( new ComparePair( listImp1.get( timePointA - 1 ), listImp1.get( timePointA + 1 - 1 ) ) ); // consequtively all timepoints of imp2 for ( int timePointB = 1; timePointB <= imp2.getNFrames() - 1; timePointB++ ) pairs.add( new ComparePair( listImp2.get( timePointB - 1 ), listImp2.get( timePointB + 1 - 1 ) ) ); } else { // all against all for imp1 for ( int timePointA = 1; timePointA <= imp1.getNFrames() - 1; timePointA++ ) for ( int timePointB = timePointA + 1; timePointB <= imp1.getNFrames(); timePointB++ ) pairs.add( new ComparePair( listImp1.get( timePointA - 1 ), listImp1.get( timePointB - 1 ) ) ); // all against all for imp2 for ( int timePointA = 1; timePointA <= imp2.getNFrames() - 1; timePointA++ ) for ( int timePointB = timePointA + 1; timePointB <= imp2.getNFrames(); timePointB++ ) pairs.add( new ComparePair( listImp2.get( timePointA - 1 ), listImp2.get( timePointB - 1 ) ) ); } return pairs; } public static String testRegistrationCompatibility( final ImagePlus imp1, final ImagePlus imp2 ) { // test time points final int numFrames1 = imp1.getNFrames(); final int numFrames2 = imp2.getNFrames(); if ( numFrames1 != numFrames2 ) return "Images have a different number of time points, cannot proceed..."; // test if both have 2d or 3d image contents final int numSlices1 = imp1.getNSlices(); final int numSlices2 = imp2.getNSlices(); if ( numSlices1 == 1 && numSlices2 != 1 || numSlices1 != 1 && numSlices2 == 1 ) return "One image is 2d and the other one is 3d, cannot proceed..."; return null; } /******************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************************/ public void stitch(String s, String s1) { int i; ur = s1; for(i=0;i<29;i++) { if(i==0) { File src = new File(s+"\\img"+(j)+".png"); File dest = new File(s1+"\\saves\\immg"+(j)+".png"); //j++; try{ Files.copy(src.toPath(), dest.toPath()); } catch(Exception ex) { } } image1 = new ImagePlus( s+"\\img"+(j+1)+".png"); image2 = new ImagePlus(s1+"\\saves\\immg"+(j)+".png"); image1 = Hyperstack_rearranger.convertToHyperStack(image1); image2 = Hyperstack_rearranger.convertToHyperStack(image2); String S = Grid_wise.testRegistrationCompatibility(image1, image2); System.out.println(S); mparams.checkPeaks =5; mparams.dimensionality = 2; mparams.outputDirectory = "D:\\"; mparams.subpixelAccuracy = true; mparams.fusedName = "Image3.jpeg"; mparams.fusionMethod = 0; mparams.computeOverlap = true; mparams.xOffset = 0.0000; mparams.yOffset = 0.0000; mparams.channel1 = 0; mparams.channel2 = 0; Grid_wise.performPairWiseStitching(image1, image2, mparams); image1.close(); image2.close(); } j++; } public static ImagePlus image1, image2, image3; PairWiseStitchingResult result; StitchingParameters mparams = new StitchingParameters(); }