@echo off title SHOCKING QUIZ echo ------------------- echo EAT Games present's echo ------------------- echo. echo SHOCKING QUIZ echo by sahil color 2 echo. pause cls :one color 3 echo WeLcOmE echo. echo TO start game type A and press enter. echo. echo To see instructions type B and press enter. echo. echo TO quit type C and press enter. echo. set /p y=What you want to do?: if %y%== a goto two if %y%== b goto three if %y%== c goto quit goto quit :three cls color e echo INSTRUCTIONS echo. echo 1)no cheating echo. echo 2)five question will come to you,every right answer will unlock second question. echo. echo 3)if any wrong answer you will be out of the game. echo. echo 4)when a question comes to you their are four options (A,B,C and D) echo if answer is 'A' of given question then type 'A' and press enter. echo. pause cls echo To play game type 1 and press enter echo. set /p num=COMMAND: if %num%== 1 goto two goto quit :two cls color f echo Are you ready to play..... echo. pause cls echo 1)When Neil Armstrong landed on moon which foot did he step first? echo. echo a)Left echo b)Right echo c)Both legs at a time echo d)He dosent have legs echo. set/p ans=ANSWER: if %ans%== a goto fourth if %ans%== b goto wrong if %ans%== c goto wrong if %ans%== d goto wrong goto quit :wrong cls color 4 echo SORRY!! you have given wrong answer. pause goto quit :fourth echo. echo CONGRATULATION.. echo You have unlocked second question echo. pause cls echo 2)Who invented FACEBOOK? echo. echo a)Bill Gates echo b)Steve Jobs echo c)Mark Zukerberg echo d)Jhon Zukerberg echo. set/p ans=ANSWER: if %ans%== a goto wrong if %ans%== b goto wrong if %ans%== c goto fifth if %ans%== d goto wrong goto quit :fifth echo. echo CONGRATULATION.. echo You have unlocked third question echo. pause cls echo 3)Which was first advanced humanoid robo? echo. echo a)Asimo echo b)Electro echo c)NAO echo d)Humbo echo. set/p ans=ANSWER: if %ans%== a goto wrong if %ans%== b goto sixth if %ans%== c goto wrong if %ans%== d goto wrong goto quit :sixth echo. echo CONGRATULATION.. echo You have unlocked fourth question echo this is slightly hard echo. pause cls echo 4)What was the name of first plane made by Wright Brothers? echo. echo a)Eagle echo b)Air Winger echo c)Wright's echo d)Flyer echo. set/p ans=ANSWER: if %ans%== a goto wrong if %ans%== b goto wrong if %ans%== c goto wrong if %ans%== d goto seventh goto quit :seventh cls echo. echo CONGRATULATION.. echo. echo You have unlocked last question of the game echo. echo.You are one step away from being WINNER. echo. echo are you READY TO PLAY... echo. pause cls echo 5)Which is one and only one mammal that lay egg? echo. echo a)Autumpus echo b)Playtipus echo c)Whale echo d)Congo echo. set/p ans=ANSWER: if %ans%== a goto wrong if %ans%== b goto correct if %ans%== c goto wrong if %ans%== d goto wrong goto quit :correct cls start sahil.jpg pause echo Cerdits... echo. echo thank you for playing this game echo. echo Game made by Sahil Kore echo For any details email me on 'sahilkore@gmail.com' echo. echo. pause goto quit