This mini Instructable will use a few of the items you have learned. The steps will be separated using multiple fieldsets. The pictures will be inserted using the img tag.

Make a Blinky Circuit

This simple circuit blinks two LEDs.

Difficulty: e a s y .. You need to be able to read a schematic

Step 1: Materials

To make this circuit, you'll need a few components:

Part Source (pictures are clickable!)
2x 10KΩ resistors Sparkfun Radioshack
2x 220Ω resistors

Sparkfun Radioshack

2x 10-47µF capacitors

Sparkfun Radioshack

2x LEDs

Sparkfun Radioshack

2x PNP transistors

Sparkfun Radioshack

~~ = This is common part can be salvaged from almost anything

~~ = You can salvage this, but if it's bought, there will be leftovers


Step 2: The Circuit

The circuit consists of resistors, capacitors, and LEDs. The 10KΩ resistors and the capacitors do the job of keeping a steady pace, while the transistors are responsible for turning the LED on/off.

See step 1 for a list of materials required for this circuit.

Step 3: Hooking it Up

Connect all of the components as seen in the schematic and watch it blink away! =)