@echo off title PARTY TIME! Made By: I Got A Cup Productions color 0e echo. echo ----------------------- echo Its Time to Party! echo ----------------------- echo. echo Made By: I Got a Cup Productions. Improved By: Ink Ninja Productions echo. set /p input=Type Start to Party or No to Not Party. Not sure? Type maybe. Want to see who made this? Type credits. : if %input%==Start goto A if %input%==start goto A if %input%==No goto B if %input%==no goto B if %input%==maybe goto C if %input%==Maybe goto C if %input%==credits goto credits if %input%==Credits goto credits :A :top cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo ********* echo *** *** echo *** *** ****** echo ********* ****** ** echo *** *** ** * ** ** ** echo *** ** ** ****** ** ** ** echo *** ******* ** ** ** ** echo *** ** ** ** ** ** ** echo *** ** ** ** ** ** ** echo. color 1a ping localhost -n 0 >nul color 2b ping localhost -n 0 >nul color 3c ping localhost -n 0 >nul color 4d ping localhost -n 0 >nul color 5e ping localhost -n 0 >nul color 6f ping localhost -n 0 >nul color 7a ping localhost -n 0 >nul color 8b ping localhost -n 0 >nul color 9c ping localhost -n 0 >nul goto time :B echo. title Goodbye color 0c cls echo ----------------------- echo You are a Party Pooper! echo ----------------------- ping localhost -n 3 >nul echo ----------------------- echo Goodbye! echo ----------------------- ping localhost -n 4 >nul exit :time cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo ********* ***** echo ********* ***** echo *** ** ****** *** echo *** ** ** *** echo *** ** * echo *** ** ********* **** * echo *** ** ** ** ** ** echo *** ** ** ** ** ** *** echo *** ** ** ** ** ****** *** echo. echo. color 1a ping localhost -n 0 >nul color 2b ping localhost -n 0 >nul color 3c ping localhost -n 0 >nul color 4d ping localhost -n 0 >nul color 5e ping localhost -n 0 >nul color 6f ping localhost -n 0 >nul color 7a ping localhost -n 0 >nul color 8b ping localhost -n 0 >nul color 9c ping localhost -n 0 >nul goto top :C cls echo Think about what you want to do. ping localhost -n 5 >nul echo ----------------------------------------------------------- echo Okay! You've had time to think! Now what do you want to do? echo ----------------------------------------------------------- set /p input=Type Start to Party or No to Not Party. Not sure? Type maybe. Want to see who made this? Type credits. : if %input%==Start goto A if %input%==No goto B if %input%==no goto B if %input%==maybe goto C if %input%==Maybe goto C if %input%==credits goto credits if %input%==Credits goto credits :credits cls color 2 echo This is who made this! ping localhost -n 5 >nul echo. echo Base code (yes and no functions) by: I Got a Cup Productions ping localhost -n 5 >nul echo. echo Improved coding (maybe function) by: Ink Ninja Productions ping localhost -n 5 >nul echo. echo "No" glitch fixed by: Ink Ninja Productions ping localhost -n 5 >nul echo. echo Credits by: Ink Ninja productions pause